Question on Mosquito

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After 6 dives with my new mosquito, I noticed small pits (indents) on the crystal/glass face. In at least one of the dives there was significant current washing a lot of sand at us. The face looks almost like it was sandblasted. Is there a plastic film or something on the face of the crystal which is getting the pits or is it the crystal ??!!! Would be very concerned if it was the glass/crystal.

Aside from that, am very happy with the mosquito. Some have expressed doubts as to the readability. Had no problems whatsoever, even on a night dive. Added to that I am extremely shortsighted and was diving without corrective lenses.
They make a product called Tiger Skin that is an adhesive that covers the face of the computer. When it gets messed up you peel it off and put a new piece on, much cheaper than a new face or a new computer.

Good Luck.

Thxs. Will definately try that next time.

However, does the mosquito's face damage that easily ? Has anyone else experienced this ? Should I get the face changed before it leaks into the watch ? I was diving with a Seiko watch at the same time and there isn't a mark on the Seiko !
Most of the computers I have seen have plastic faces that will scratch easy and watches use crystal or glass which is much more durable. As far a replacing the face that is on it now it would depend on how much damage there is. I would say it is better safe than sorry but I don't know how much it would cost to do that.

My Mosquito came with a slip-on lens protector. I only use it when diving.
The pits probably won't be noticible underwater.
It doesn't seem like that would affect the integrity of the lens.

Just my 2 cents

Oh yeah, Welcome to the boards
I didn't use the protector because I read (on this board I think) that it would only trap particles between the face and the protector. Thought it would be better without.

I am really surprised that the face can be damaged that easily. If sand can make an impression ... what would a light brush on a rock do to it ??? I would have expected something more robust.

Thanks for the welcome ...
I'm sorry I didn't notice you were new to us. Welcome and I hope you enjoy the board as much as the rest of us.

I tried the protector that came with the mossy but I still recommend the Tiger Skin. It is less bulky.

Not like I'm very timely or anything, but I just got around to following this thread.

I too have a Mosquito and have noticed some of the same readibility problems when the face gets scratched. I agree that the soft-plastic cover that comes with the watch is a VERY good thing to use when it might get scratched. The Tiger-Skin stuff works too. Have heard from other folks that it's just the nature of the beast to use a somewhat soft crystal material for many of the plastic watches, so it's not just Suunto.

Also found out that many bug-repellent (mosquito-spray, get it?) products will actually disfigure the face. I had mine in Akumal MX last year and, to keep from getting completely carried away by the bugs, used the spray liberally. Didn't notice tilI got home that it had clouded the crystal til it was almost unreadible. Took it back to the LDS and they immediately replaced it for me. WHICH IS A VERY GOOD REASON TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOUR LDS, AND NOT SOME YAHOO (no pun intended) ON THE I-NET!!!!

I've not heard of this Tiger Skin. Does it have any brand names and where can I expect to find it?
Tiger Skin is the brand name and I got mine at my LDS. I am sure you could find it at one of the online retailers.

Good luck


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