I realize that the DIR-F card has nothing to do with allowing access to caves. My instructor and I were talking about places (sometimes boats or dive ops) that don't like to have divers using doubles unless they can show they have had training in doubles. He told me that my card would say on it that I trained in doubles, thereby helping me in those situations. That would have been the differnce that I was looking for. When the card showed up without that on it, I figured i'd ask.
Also, recently there was a post on here where someone was traveling to the PNW and wanted to rent doubles. An answer given at the time was "you can get them at shop XYZ, as long as you can convince them that you have doubles experience or were trained in them" Those are the kind of situations I thought this would help in. But, as I said, my instructor was wrong and the cards do not have that distinction on them. The reply from Sonya is that they are still not sure if it is something they will do in the future.
No biggie, it just would have made things easier for me.