Question and Answer (a game) part 2

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Wish I had a bike but my family has asked I wait a few more years . .I had a couple of mishaps before the kids were born and now they don't want me to kill myself before the kids are grown.

What do you watch on tv
Usually as little as possible. When I do watch, it would be Myth Busters, America's Got Talent, Dancing With the Stars (I admit I like it), Sports Center, and Redskins Football games.

REDSKINS!!!! Nice. On laundry days I watch 2 1/2 Men, Big Bang Theory, Criminal Minds and sports. Preferably all at the same time while folding laundry, checking email, and posting on SB . . . I have a little problem with undiagnosed ADD I think!

So what do you make of our quarterback situation?
I am not a Jason hater (I was greatly impressed with how he handled the attempts in the off season to replace him - very classy), and think he has potential. It is more his decision-making that worries me (perhaps because he has had a different system or coach every year since high school). My biggest concern for him is the O-line, old, injured, and not very good. And we don't have top flight receivers. Makes it hard to become a great quarterback. I like Colt, I think, be he is not ready. So, another long year. Just don't give us Vick (Mortenson reported in ESPN that some teams that have said they don't want him are actually in talks with him).

Was that too much?
Nope - stated perfectly. The offensive line worries me alot. I think receivers and QB's have more opps to improve when the QB isn't under so much pressure. The owner was a prick for how the whole replace Campbell fiasco happened. You are right JC handled it well.

Don't even get me started on Vick .. seriously . . it's like the whole TO fiascos . . . at some point some players are not worth the trouble. So glad we never went after TO.

Is it 5 pm yet?
Better then last but not great . . . we are 2-3 seasons from a great year

What do you think of the coach?
He is a talented coach with a good understanding of the game. I think he relates well to the players, and, given the improvement in off-season workouts, the players seem to respond to him. I am not sure yet if he is ready to be a head coach/play-caller. He is light-years ahead of Norm, though.

Who is your all-time favorite Redskin?
John Riggins of course . . . freakingly awesome player. Loved how he chose to sit out a year of play (79 or 80 I think) instead of giving in on his contract issue. But, now don't tell anyone, my fav player isn't even a redskins player . . . it's Bettis (the BUS) . . another tough player.


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