Quarries in eastern pa

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reading pa
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Does anyone know of any unknown quarries in eastern Pa that are not a dive attraction site. How do I get permission to dive there?
Without knowing anything about you, I'd have to advise to stick to the established spots.

Does anyone know of any unknown quarries in eastern Pa ...

If they were unknown, how would anyone know about them? :D

But seriously, I would also be interested in hearing about places to dive in Eastern PA. I have family there and would like to dive there sometime.
If they were unknown, how would anyone know about them? :D

But seriously, I would also be interested in hearing about places to dive in Eastern PA. I have family there and would like to dive there sometime.

Dutch Springs
Does anyone know of any unknown quarries

I can't think of any that I don't know about.

Does anyone know of any unknown quarries in eastern Pa that are not a dive attraction site. How do I get permission to dive there?

Actually, I do know of one, and I've been dying to dive it for years.

This ain't no ordinary quarry, either. Way back when, it was a limestone quarry, with some mammoth pumps removing water from the bottom 24x7. A power outage and failure of back-up generators resulted in a flood. The flooded quarry was acquired by the US gov't, which used the site for some kind of NASA training -- don't know whether it involved people or equipment. But this was well-known in our town when I was growing up. The quarry is small, fenced with barbed wire, and still has ramps and some buildings and walkways. Since then, it's been taken over by the township, and I believe they are making a park out of it. I made an inquiry, asking if I could dive it, but never got a response.

It's located in Oreland, Springfield Township, along Walnut Ave.

Google map link shows the location... If you view the satellite photo and zoom in, you can clearly see the walkway leading to one of the buildings on the water. I've searched the net and have been unable to find out exactly what the government did there.

Doesn't look like too many access points. Is there a large building out on the water? That would be cool to test dive, however, I sure that the township would nix it for liability reasons. Maybe if you modified the liability waiver from DS, it would open a door.

Also, there are numerous old mines and quarries along 611 heading north. But I think those might require a significant pucker factor to dive them. Especially the old slate quarries that I wouldn't venture into....
Yeah -- the building on the water was part of the government facility. Township owns it now, and I think the buildings are gone or are going to be. They've done some work in there. I actually worked for the township during summers in high school and all the way through college, and some of the local full-time guys on the crew knew the history. There were always kids sneaking in when we were in high school, although I never did it -- it was the other end of town. I remember spending one hot summer day paving the road the that ran alongside it, and being TORTURED by the view of that cool blue water over the fence...

You're right with the liability factor as well -- probably the reason the township never even responded. I would sign a waiver...just like at Dutch Springs...:wink:

Regardless, I'm sure there's all manner of crap scattered on the bottom, as the government's been out of there for years, and the fence is close enough to the road that people can chuck their stuff over the fence and down into the water. There's some considerable junk just over fence on the ground...stuff that didn't make it to the bottom.

Bet you could find some "remains" down there, too...

Word has it that there are some monster bass in the quarry, but I'm not risking arrest to find out.
C'mon, Curly....where's your sense of adventure??!! :D

I dove a private quarry hole back in March not far from my house. We were joking about finding 55 gal. drums with dead bodies in them. Three of us went in, I went down the center. Viz wasn't great to begin with. About ten minutes into the dive, I come across a rusted out 55 gal drum. The follicles start rising! I make like two circles around it and come across what looks to be an arm bone! DAMN!!! I did some more searching and found nothing else. So, I take it back to shore with me. I guess it was a leg bone from a deer that didn't make it.

Anyway, more excitement may be in store for whoever gets to dive that place up by you....:wink:

Man, they would have be huge! Look at the ones at DS that doesn't get fished....

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