Wow.....what a DB
CREME RINSE (hair conditioner) WORKED!!! I made a 50/50 mix of creme rinse and water and put it in a little spray bottle that I got at walmart for 97 cents. I sprayed the first 12 inches or so of the insides of the leg and arm holes. My dh just sprayed it on his arms and legs - I thought it rubbed off when I tried it this way - when the mix is actually on the neoprene the whole thing slides better. Anyway, this worked great! I still had issues getting it off - no neck injury but the zipper on the left armed scratched up my hand as I was pulling it off. I'll make adjustments to keep that from happening again. All in all, not bad. Thanks to everyone for all the helpful hints!
Well I am happy for you. Sadly I tried the same thing but with disappointing results. I sprayed the insides of my nice thick 4th Element Arctic undergarments before putting them on last time and found them to be no easier to get on but they were a slippery, stinky and sweaty mess after the dive