I'll straddle the line a bit. Started with an OceanMaster V3 Purge as a newbie. (As someone once said in another thread, 'Aquarium on the grill means a new card in the pocket.') Really liked it. Even bought a second one when some really rough handling on a dive boat cracked the frame on the first one. LOVE the OM straps, as one poster mentioned. Big mask was fine (although I didn't try scootering with it so I don't know if the drag would have been a problem). Now, seems VERY HARD to get OM parts these days, and calls / emails to OM don't generate a timely response. I have gone to lower volume, simple (non-purge) SeaDive Caribbean masks and they work just fine for rec, tec, whatever. I wouldn't buy a purge for the purge feature at this point.coevan:What are your opinions on purge masks? Any models you would like to recommend?