punctured ear

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I Had A Diving Acccident 15 Years Ago While Mixed Gas Diving, I Was A Commercial Diver. I Am Trying To Figure Out How To Equalize Now Without Getting Vertigo. I Have Not Been Diving For Many Years Due To The Fact I Lived Inland, Now I Am Living In The Philippine Islands And Want To Dive Again, I Have Divemaster Rating. I Nwould Like To Know Of Anyway To Get This Problem Fixed.,

Click the "report this post button" (the little exclamation mark inside the triangle below your user name) and ask a mod to move your post to the Diving Medicine Forum. There you will get good advice from those that know.
Do you always capitalize the first letter of words? Thats Kind Of Freaky!!
Do you always capitalize the first letter of words? Thats Kind Of Freaky!!

What are you, Scubaboard's diction cop? I'm betting English is not his first language. You read & write his?

Stephen Ash:
Click the "report this post button" (the little exclamation mark inside the triangle below your user name) and ask a mod to move your post to the Diving Medicine Forum. There you will get good advice from those that know.
Uh, there's not an ! mark on your own posts. I have been advised that the request has to come from the thread originator, so - just ask for that here, if you'd like...?

What are you, Scubaboard's diction cop? I'm betting English is not his first language. You read & write his?

Some USAmericans even do that online. I had one lady IMing one night with hyphens between all words. I like his caps a lot better. :D
Here's a link to Divers Alert Network (DAN), http://www.diversalertnetwork.org/ .

You can contact them as well, they are the experts on diving medicine.
I know several Euros that capitalize their words in the English language. Two are from Germany and one is from Poland.

I wonder if polish and german are capitalized freely and it just translates over that way?
My boss got certified with a ruptured ear drum. Went down to the local X-rated shop and got some latex body paint, put in a cotton ball, plastered it over with the latex then put on a tight dive hood. Might work for you. They also do replacement work for the eardrum but the success rate is low.

I know several Euros that capitalize their words in the English language. Two are from Germany and one is from Poland.

I wonder if polish and german are capitalized freely and it just translates over that way?
Nouns are capitalized in German.

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