This has troubled me with respect to the "unexplained" deaths, from the time I first read about the condition. It is my very great fear that drowning and IPE look enough alike on post-mortem for one to be mistaken for the other.
Indeed, potentially making IPE more common than currently thought. Another reason that awareness of it should be increased IMO.
I wonder about WOB on rebreathers -- I know it's higher than on OC, but by how much? You can induce pulmonary edema in normal people, if you make them pull hard enough to breathe for a long enough period of time. I wonder if this is a factor in CCR IPE cases?
Interesting. I was concerned I'd pack one of my scrubbers too tightly. I also remember having to suck like a hoover to pull some gas through the ADV descending through to 40m. I only took a couple of breaths through before going back to adding manually as the ADV wasn't delivering enough without huge suction. The event occurred several minutes after this.
Of course, I'd be really slow to draw any conclusions about the scrubber or ADV (or my use of them) but they remain worthy of note. In my case there are some other more likely candidates for the trigger.