Puerto Galeras Trip Report

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try to lube the o-ring .

Hmm for some reason those words reached some nerves.. lube the o-ring.

I also remember a DM saying:

DM: Would you like to penetrate?
Me: Yes
DM: The Wreck.
Me: Ohh! no.
You do not understand the dangers and the suffering. So don't think you have to take 1 or 2 or 3 for the team.

oh believe me I KNOW THE DANGERS AND THE SUFFERING. so don't make the same mistake. stay single or brokeback :D safer.....


Hmm for some reason those words reached some nerves.. lube the o-ring.

I also remember a DM saying:

DM: Would you like to penetrate?
Me: Yes
DM: The Wreck.
Me: Ohh! no.

you know you are off topic huh? i better call a MOD here.....


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