Puerto Galeras Trip Report

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the sarcasm is so thick in here you could cut it with a knife. :D
the sarcasm is so thick in here you could cut it with a knife :D
It is isn't........

10C water?? Errrrrrrrrrm me thinks not...

As to the 'ugly women' reference :rofl2:, I can think of several that i'm quite fond of :wink:.

Btw, how is someone from New York complaining about pollution??
Gio, I think everybody in this thread wants all the Philippines and the Pinays to themselves, me included. :) (but alas, I'm already married to one)
Gio, I think everybody in this thread wants all the Philippines and the Pinays to themselves, me included. :) (but alas, I'm already married to one)
I was just gonna tell you to look but don't touch or else you'll get this :whack: or this :m16: or this :maniac:
So if you are thinking about going to the Philippines...Please DO NOT GO!!!!. In the meantime I am booking my flight back; just so I can make the country safer, help the woman become more beautiful and clean up the ocean. All these on my own...and no I dont need any help. :D

HOY, huli ka na sa balita.... nauna na kami !!!! hahahhahahha

and try to make it by September, during the world clean up for free dives and alot of ugly people in bikinis.

PPD are not Safe divers according to cosme and .... never mind... SPoons Friend. AHHAHAHAHAHAHHA !!!!

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