This question is similar to one earlier posted on this forum concerning the Puck Air v. Zoop or Vyper wrist computers which now seems to be inactive. I am looking at the puck air in comparison to the zoop/vyper mounted on a console with a pressure gauge. I was leaning towards the zoop or vyper, but as i will be traveling/flying with typical gear, continue to have second thoughts. The puck air seems to be the best (most efficient) choice for the bag. There is a lot of information out there about the zoot (and vyper), and it is all good. Less info about the puck air. i am interested in opinions about this, including the user friendliness of the puck air for a beginner. i am also concerned about battery life and replacement. According to the manual the unit needs to be returned to have the battery replaced? i'm not in any particular hurry to pull the trigger on this purchase.