I recently completed DIR-F and GUE Tech I. When I was considering tech training and agencies, I did alot of research and reading on and off the internet.
thedecostop.com was very helpful. It is a website for tech divers and many there are DIR divers. Be warned though that many are NOT and there is alot of controversy, politics and BS that goes on between the two groups. Also be advised that some who think they are experts or try to pass themselves off as such are not really. Check out profiles when deciding if someone is for real or not. Do searches on subjects you want to learn about before asking the same questions others have asked many times before.
GUE does not have alot of well written text material. (Hopefully they are working on that) But I have heard that Dress for Success is a very good book for someone interested in DIR.
The GUE website is also helpful but not great.
The best advice I can give you is to find a good mentor in your area, who is an experienced DIR diver, to help. Make friends with someone who has been there, done that and dive with him and ask questions. Then TAKE THE CLASS. Don't wait do it now. I have been diving for 30 years and had alot of bad habits to unlearn. The class was an eye opener for me and changed the way I dive for the better, for ever. I wish I had taken it years ago.
Good luck, have fun!
I recently completed DIR-F and GUE Tech I. When I was considering tech training and agencies, I did alot of research and reading on and off the internet.
thedecostop.com was very helpful. It is a website for tech divers and many there are DIR divers. Be warned though that many are NOT and there is alot of controversy, politics and BS that goes on between the two groups. Also be advised that some who think they are experts or try to pass themselves off as such are not really. Check out profiles when deciding if someone is for real or not. Do searches on subjects you want to learn about before asking the same questions others have asked many times before.
GUE does not have alot of well written text material. (Hopefully they are working on that) But I have heard that Dress for Success is a very good book for someone interested in DIR.
The GUE website is also helpful but not great.
The best advice I can give you is to find a good mentor in your area, who is an experienced DIR diver, to help. Make friends with someone who has been there, done that and dive with him and ask questions. Then TAKE THE CLASS. Don't wait do it now. I have been diving for 30 years and had alot of bad habits to unlearn. The class was an eye opener for me and changed the way I dive for the better, for ever. I wish I had taken it years ago.
Good luck, have fun!