Proof that girls are evil

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I like warrior women. If I could marry someone like Xena, I totally would. Be strong, be courageous, be strong enough to be kind and gentle and giving, and hell; LET'S ROMP OUR WAY THROUGH LIFE AND DEVOUR THIS THANG WITH BRIGHT SHINING TEETH!!!!

sorry... got carried away... :wink:

Well, you'd have to share her with problem, I assume??? :wink:
First, the math may be questionable, but it still amuses. Also it reminds me of a proof I once read that proved that Heaven is actually hotter than Hades. Interesting I must say.

If you compare the non-diving posts about women vs. men problems, the men can never figure out what is happening with women.
Women are smart . . . .
And yet, you never hear a man complaining about falling into a toilet.

Men sit approximately 38% as often as women do, but you almost never hear of one falling in. Is it because they are smart enough to look before they sit, or because they are smart enough to realize that if they did fall in, it was their own darn fault for not looking, and nothing positive would come of complaining about it, as that would only point out their own stupidity for sitting without looking?


Men sit approximately 38% as often as women do, but you almost never hear of one falling in. Is it because they are smart enough to look before they sit, or because they are smart enough to realize that if they did fall in, it was their own darn fault for not looking, and nothing positive would come of complaining about it, as that would only point out their own stupidity for sitting without looking?

Women don't actually fall into toilets. They just complain to make you feel guility about leaving the seat up. Both men and women do fall into toilets when drunk. I know a girl who once peed on her porch because she could not find her house key on her key ring. Yet, those incidents are the exceptions.
redhatmama, I was referring to this post:

At the risk of going too far . . . . Discover Magazine published an article on the hydrodynamics and physiology of dolphins and related a study in which a Russian team, to test a theory that the softness of dolphin skin was a contributing factor in delaying the onset of turbulent flow, towed naked female volunteers through a pool. Their working theory was that women, being "softer" than men, would maintain laminar flow at higher speeds. I don't know if they had a male group as a control or not, though. Great article, btw. Feb Issue, I think. No pictures. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to drag my knuckles back to my cave.

Johnny Knoxville and Stevo were from the show Jackass. It sounded like one of their ploys to get women naked. :D
I got it Hank. Was Butterbean there too? :D

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