Excellent! I know it's time consuming to get out there, set up and make these kinds of comparisons, so I'm really glad to see what you've done. If you still have the lights, would it be possible to get some video or shots with the camera equidistant to each light, with beams and hotspots visible? Many of these clips are either severely cropped, and/or have the camera much closer to one light than the other, or the lights pointed in different directions at different targets, which when combined with the low-light signal boost of the camera, really blow out whichever light source is closer. Case in point, for much of the video the 10W HID looks 3x brighter than the LED, which in turn looks 3x brighter than the 21w HID.
I think this significantly skews the perception of each of the light's effectiveness.
I've only tested the EOS against a 21w abovewater, and my perception is that the LED is a great light, and has a significantly wider beam than the HID, which means it lights up close-range better but doesn't punch nearly as far.
I think this significantly skews the perception of each of the light's effectiveness.
I've only tested the EOS against a 21w abovewater, and my perception is that the LED is a great light, and has a significantly wider beam than the HID, which means it lights up close-range better but doesn't punch nearly as far.