Hi all,
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Artin. I am an avid fly fisherman until now!
Not to long ago (Christmas) My fiance Sharice bought me one of the coolest presents EVER! Guess what is was? Yup, Scuba cert. classes from Sport Chalet! I have been lurking for a few weeks now without any good material (Pictures) to make a decent entry onto this very cool forum which I keep track of. Now that I have worthwhile material and a camera I can make a respectable entrance to say hello!
Here are some of the pictures from Catalina Dive park which I hope you enjoy! The quality is not amazing (My first time taking pictures under water) but we did our best!.
These guys are amazing! I would have never thought.....
The closer you look the better it gets!
Here is dinner, come season!
Sharice and yours truly!
She will soon hop on the Scubaboard bandwagon!
I fish for these guys... Yes with flies!
This is great, now I know exactly where the big ones hang out! Don't worry, I practice catch and release!
To wrap things up.... we did a night dive with our instructor for our Advanced open water and the life we saw.... WOW off the beach too! One word: bioluminecense! (I don't think I spelled that right!... you know the tiny plancton life that makes it's own light!
Just amazing!
Kudos to Sharice for having this idea! You see, I go fishing every second that frees up! I would have never thought of doing this... even after Blue planet came out! Now I'm hooked!
Well, that's my story of how I got into this crazy cool thing called SCUBA (def:self-contained underwater breathing apparatus)
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Artin. I am an avid fly fisherman until now!
Not to long ago (Christmas) My fiance Sharice bought me one of the coolest presents EVER! Guess what is was? Yup, Scuba cert. classes from Sport Chalet! I have been lurking for a few weeks now without any good material (Pictures) to make a decent entry onto this very cool forum which I keep track of. Now that I have worthwhile material and a camera I can make a respectable entrance to say hello!
Here are some of the pictures from Catalina Dive park which I hope you enjoy! The quality is not amazing (My first time taking pictures under water) but we did our best!.
These guys are amazing! I would have never thought.....
The closer you look the better it gets!
Here is dinner, come season!
Sharice and yours truly!
She will soon hop on the Scubaboard bandwagon!
I fish for these guys... Yes with flies!
This is great, now I know exactly where the big ones hang out! Don't worry, I practice catch and release!
To wrap things up.... we did a night dive with our instructor for our Advanced open water and the life we saw.... WOW off the beach too! One word: bioluminecense! (I don't think I spelled that right!... you know the tiny plancton life that makes it's own light!
Just amazing!
Kudos to Sharice for having this idea! You see, I go fishing every second that frees up! I would have never thought of doing this... even after Blue planet came out! Now I'm hooked!
Well, that's my story of how I got into this crazy cool thing called SCUBA (def:self-contained underwater breathing apparatus)