If we leave it to individuals, I have severe doubts any meaningful dent will be made. We are a consumerist society.
So you are in favor of a government taking away your individual rights? ..Or only if its for something you believe in? What happens when they start screwing with the things you think are important. Our government was set up with checks and balances for a reason! I fully concede that some of this problem was started with GWB in the post 9/11 homeland defense movement, but that does not excuse the unbridled overreach of power demonstrated by our last President, BHO.
Regarding a "consumerist society". I totally agree, but am constantly frustrated by governments foolish attempts to manage it. The "Cash for Clunkers" program cost taxpayers millions and contributed to dumping cars that could have otherwise been repaired to fuel new auto sales.
I am all for encouraging a reduction of waste. I have personally led a nation wide program to improve resource conservation within my company and have proven >$15 million dollars of savings based on that work. If you are as determined to work towards a personal impact on the problem.. then there are some real things you should personally STOP doing. ..Like drinking beer, that waste 5/1 water in the brewing process, and is much more of a problem than bottled water. (just an example)
Our government has not proven their ability to manage the postal system or the Medical system for our vets. It is insane to thing they can effectively manage even more of our daily lives.