I most certainly am. Unlimited individual rights are incompatible with a civilized society. Your "right" to take whatever you want, to beat up someone who has insulted you, to refrain from funding schools for other people's children, to kill someone who has done you wrong or to buy a 20mm machine cannon just because you want one are already taken away from you.
Are you a-ok with a factory upstream from you dumping their crap directly in the river you swim and fish in, or do you think they should be subject to regulations that keep the river reasonably clean? If the latter, you, too, are in favor of governmentally imposed regulations and restrictions.
A civilized society must always balance individual interests against common interests.
Americans can own a "20 mm machine cannon"; it is merely a matter of satisfying National Firearms Act requirements, paying a two hundred dollar tax, and finding one for sale.
People who use Second Amendment issues as examples should be more familiar with the actual rules.