Can anyone recommend a reasonably-priced prescription mask? Not the little dinky ones about an inch across which you place on the inside of the glass but the full glass prescription type. I know that I am missing out on stuff since I wear bi-focals.
I assume: a) you're nearsighted; b) you're not diving with any kind of correction now; and c) you're wondering whether you need not only distant-vision correction, but near vision (bifocal "reading") correction also.
I'm about -9.5 diopters nearsighted in each eye, with about +2 progressive reading correction now in each eye... in my eyeglasses. I can't read comfortably in air at even arm's length without the reading correction. Plus I've got quite a lot of astigmatism.
But I dive with spherical (no reading or astigmatism correction) -9.0 corrective lenses in my dive mask. I have perfect distant vision in the water, and no problems at all seeing things close-up... like gauges. Optics in water are quite different than in air.
The point is that spherical-correction mask lenses are much cheaper than those with astigmatism and/or reading correction. If you don't need the additional correction in the water, you can save a lot of money.
Problem is, you can't know for sure until you try lenses.
Your mask may have off-the-shelf spherical-correction lenses available, which would be the cheapest thing to try -- and you might even be able to talk your dive shop into letting you return or exchange them if they don't work.
If you do have to go with custom-made lenses, either because of your mask or your correction, companies like SeaVision do a fine job.