Post-pandemic comeback? Not yet! The dive industry is still crashing.

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Oh yeah, and in Santa Rosa too at Pinnacles.

Remember there used to be a dive shop in Bodega Bay next to Diekman’s Market? He did air fills.
Then there was the dive shop in Petaluma that also sold ab gear and did fills. What about Jay Baker’s up in Gualala, they did fills. Sub Surface Progression in Fort Bragg, he was the best!
And Captain Bob with his air fill trailer at Ocean Cove, remember him?
All gone now, except Seal’s in SR.
Reminds me of the old song by George Jones, “Who’s going go fill their shoes”?

Oh Crap, I’m getting old!

Location isn't quite everything. Down here in San Diego our most popular shore dive spot is La Jolla (subdivided into two areas, La Jolla Cove and La Jolla Shores) we've had numerous dive shops try and stay nearby but ultimately fail. Currently there is one place that does air fills out of the back of a 7/11 type place, but the nearest proper shop is some distance away.
Oh yeah, and in Santa Rosa too at Pinnacles.

Remember there used to be a dive shop in Bodega Bay next to Diekman’s Market? He did air fills.
Then there was the dive shop in Petaluma that also sold ab gear and did fills. What about Jay Baker’s up in Gualala, they did fills. Sub Surface Progression in Fort Bragg, he was the best!
And Captain Bob with his air fill trailer at Ocean Cove, remember him?
All gone now, except Seal’s in SR.
Reminds me of the old song by George Jones, “Who’s going go fill their shoes”?

Oh Crap, I’m getting old!

As I remember, the one by Diekman's was gone before the Abalone were, and I can't remember the name of the shop on Santa Rosa Ave that closed in the late '90's. And Sonoma Coast Divers is still hanging on down in Rhonert Park.

You're not that old yet. Kilmer's Brew Pub in Santa Rosa was probably gone before you knew it was even there. Coming back from Ab diving, we showed them how to clean an Ab on the bar, then had them slice it, cut into strips, beer batter, and deep fry it for us, the help, and a few other day drinkers there. Good times.
Walmart IS in the dive business, at least with their online marketplace...

I haven't bought from them, but I do get gear from Amazon and eBay.
Not really, their business in this case is providing an online marketplace. Other parties selling scuba stuff on, Amazon, or whatever does not put them in the dive business.
As I remember, the one by Diekman's was gone before the Abalone were, and I can't remember the name of the shop on Santa Rosa Ave that closed in the late '90's. And Sonoma Coast Divers is still hanging on down in Rhonert Park.

You're not that old yet. Kilmer's Brew Pub in Santa Rosa was probably gone before you knew it was even there. Coming back from Ab diving, we showed them how to clean an Ab on the bar, then had them slice it, cut into strips, beer batter, and deep fry it for us, the help, and a few other day drinkers there. Good times.
That was SR Dive Center, owned by Joe Beza. He got caught poaching and no big name brand company would have anything to do with him. He had nothing but off brand junk in there when I walked in once to take a look. He came off as a gruff A-hole.
A guy I know got certified through Beza’s shop - NAUI. The morning they were supposed to do their OW dives at Gerstle Cove Beza never showed up. They learned the following Monday that he was in jail for shooting his wife’s lover in the ass when he caught them in bed together.
Then there was Pacific Divers down on the Avenue across from Friedman’s, Frank Carley. I’m too young to remember that place, but I heard it was great!

Do you remember the Ponderosa or Everybody’s Talking?
Location isn't quite everything. Down here in San Diego our most popular shore dive spot is La Jolla (subdivided into two areas, La Jolla Cove and La Jolla Shores) we've had numerous dive shops try and stay nearby but ultimately fail. Currently there is one place that does air fills out of the back of a 7/11 type place, but the nearest proper shop is some distance away.
When I was there recently, I was a little surprised to find their fills were $7, compared to $10 in a place like Austin, TX.
Sub Surface Progression in Fort Bragg, he was the best!
I'll always remember that shop, off HWY-1. Still have a couple of ab irons and gauges from them which, sadly, won't see action until about 2026; but I think back on the air-fills. They'd crank the pressure and fill the tanks so damn fast, while on a ratty piece of astroturf, without so much as a bucket or tank of water for cooling; yet I never received a hot fill.

It was black magic, I tell you . . .
$10 for air???? yikes.
That's basically what we pay in the Seattle area at many shops.

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