I have been through this shipping Lionfish around the USA. I know you said you dont care about the money but others might. Shipping in dry ice is considered hazardous materials by most carriers. Some will refuse to transport and others charge a large premium, and require very specific packaging. I found that if money is no object, FEDEX is the easiest. However their rules state it must be in styro, and that styro must then have an outer box. also has to be labeled hazardous dry ice.. I recently shipped about half a dozen lionfish 500 miles or so, overnight in regular ICE and the cost was around 200 dollars. Be well prepared before you ship. Getting the bugs and fish and then figuring out where/how to take them, or assuming things up front will foil your plan. I dont know any grocery stores that sell the proper styro/cardboard shipping containers. In fact I had to make the ones that I have used, which meant getting a styro cooler, a cardboard box that it could fit in, and then packing to go around the cooler in the box. Its all sort of a pain, and unless you do it frequently you may find this task mastering a day of your vacation. Not to discourage you if its what you really want to do, but even knowing exactly how to do it, I loathe getting an email asking me to ship more fish.