I wouldn't be too worried about it, if I'm reading your description of what happened correctly. Here's what I would do. First make sure all the LP ports are plugged and the HP ports are open. This means removing the 2nd stages and replacing them with port plugs. Take both HP port plugs out (assuming there are two). So now you have a first stage with nothing attached except the LP inflator and open HP ports. Put this on a tank and open the valve for a few seconds, letting air blow out the HP ports. Shut the valve off, it may take a few seconds for all the air to bleed out. Take your BC, attach it to the LP inflator, and press the inflate button, this is to release any air that might have gotten trapped in the IP chamber.
Then put the HP port plugs in, and remove all the LP port plugs. Blow some air through those. I suspect you won't notice any water coming out of any of the ports, but you might notice some condensation on the 1st stage near the ports as everything gets cold from the air depressurizing.
Put the 2nd stages and SPG back on, the DIN cap on, and SOAK, don't rinse, in clean fresh water to remove the salt crystals that have dried on your first stage and any exposed threads. (That means threads that are not protected with an o-ring, like the DIN connector threads).
Then make a reminder to never loan your reg to this friend again.
BTW, you do have a filter, if you can't see it, it's hidden behind a part in the DIN retainer. That's the way it is with SP DIN retainers, I suspect apeks is similar. All first stages have filters. You wouldn't want to breathe chunks of crap from a dirty fill or a bit of rust in the tank, would you?