possible FL trip, advice appreciated.

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Springs are not a good choice now.
Went to Troy yesterday & the river is WAY up.
The platform is under water & its all dark. (River Water)
Call ahead if you plan on any Spring diving, the rivers are running high.
I am fed-up with these one or two shot, keys visitors (better known as tourists.)

Don't be missed led, all diving in the keys can be great and can be poor. The same as anywhere. About the visibility, the Gulf Stream runs west to east along the keys. The gulf stream water that comes from South Amer. and Central Amers., goes by Key West first before it gets to Key Largo.

Vis will change with the Gulf Stream and the tide. Vis may also change with the rain on the Keys. .The reef is the same all the way along the keys, Key Largo has good and bad areas, the same in Key West and all points in-between. You need to find a diving outfit that you like, the type of diving you like to do, I would recommend you try as many sites and different companies as you can, up and down the Keys. I recommend you stay with a smaller boat (not to small) instead of the bigger cattle boats. The smaller boats can tailor to your style of diving. I deal with conditions on both ends of the Keys, good and poor. I have been on the Bibb & Duane in great conditions and some real poor vis. and big current also. The same goes for the Eagle, Tbolt, Busch, and Cayman Sal.

Some years ago before the mooring balls were installed on the wrecks, we had to bounce the wrecks to get moored. I came off the boat to hook into the Cayman Salvor in Key West area. We could see the wreck from the surface in 90+ feet of water, but when I hit the water, at the surface I could see the complete wreck, all 185'. That’s 250+' of vis. other times I could not see the wreck 15' away. The point is no one part of the Keys is better then the other, There are some different things about all the areas. Have fun and go look & try as much a you can.
I am a local to key largo, and as such have been on most of the diveboats here. I prefer dive-in 305-852-1919, http://www.diveinflkeys.com . They are a small, but very professional 6 pack. The run a fast cat, that cruises smoothly at about 40 mph. They have the latest departure times, shortest check in, and they are the first ones to the sites. If you want hassle free diving, with a great, non obtrusive crew, they are the way to go! Also, they will do just about any thing you want. I usually get my choice as to location when diving with them.

Hint: Pay the extra 30 bucks for the dive guide, its well worth the money. You will be more likely to see the stuff you came for. The dive guide they have is excellent, and knows the secrets of the dive sites.

itsrob once bubbled...
I am a local to key largo, and as such have been on most of the diveboats here. I prefer dive-in 305-852-1919, ...

Hint: Pay the extra 30 bucks for the dive guide, its well worth the money....

Rob, you wouldn't happen to be a dive guide for Dive In, would you? ;)

Rick Christ once bubbled...
I am fed-up with these one or two shot, keys visitors (better known as tourists.)


:argue: Oops! I thought that tourists were welcome in The Keys, as the primary money source. That's like me saying I'm tired of Farmers & Cattlemen, but then - they get on my nerves at times, too.

:grad: The info he gave was very helpful, though, even if he doesn't like us toursits on his rock and in his ocean; the same for Rob's.

:boings: Happy Bubbles... :wavey:
Oops! I thought that tourists were welcome in The Keys, as the primary money source. That's like me saying I'm tired of Farmers & Cattlemen, but then - they get on my nerves at times, too.

:grad: The info he gave was very helpful, though, even if he doesn't like us toursits on his rock and in his ocean; the same for Rob's.

:boings: Happy Bubbles... :wavey: [/B]

Let me clear up a few things: The only reason the Florida Key’s exist, is to cater to the tourists dollars. The Keys could not survive without the tourist’s money.:rolleyes:

These are the same tourists that drive on US1 like they drive on their highways at home and cause more than one fatal accident on US1 a month. That blocks the road for 6 to 10 hours every time. I wonder how many near misses there are? Because the tourists should be able to drive the same 75MPH on US1, that they were driving on the turnpike to get into the Keys. We should put up new speed signs, residents 55MPH, tourists 75MPH. Just because they bring their tourist money with them. What about just plan traffic on the road. You ever go by the stoplight in Big Pine on a holiday weekend? Don’t!

These are the same tourists that cause the sewage problem down here. If the Keys didn’t have a million plus tourists a year we would not have the water quality problem down here that we have. I believe there are only about 70,000 residents in the keys. The estimates are it will cost every resident about $10,000 to put in central sewers. Just for the tourists dollars.

Without the tourists we would not have the big corporations in KW and Key Largo. Key West has many big 70/80 ft cats that run out of the harbor. These cats hold up to 125 people per trip. You get 3 or 4 of these cats on one reef and you can dump 500 people on that reef at one time, and then again on the afternoon trip, again another 500. All because the corporations think they should have the tourist dollars. When the big corps. and the tourists finish destroying the reefs here they will move on, maybe to Cuba this time and do the same to that island, because of the tourist dollars.

I sit and read many of the post on this and other sites, and hear the tourists complain about the crews didn’t do this, or did do that. There was one just a short time ago, from a travel agent that thought they should be catered too more, they thought that the crew should get into the water to take off their fins for them. I think its time the crews step up and tell some of the crap that they put up with about the tourists. If you can get them to talk about these special tourists and their tourist dollars.

I have not keep a count, but my guess is I have done 180-200 full rescues in the 10 years on the boats down here. Less then 1% ever said a Thank You for saving them. But I do it for the tourist dollars. Don’t ask about the smaller things, like moving them out of the way so the dive platform does not come down on top of there heads, this was in the dive briefing, that they did not listen to. Ask the crews how many times the tourists swam the wrong way, got stuck in the current and the DM had to go get them. Ask the crews how many times the tourist did not listen to the briefing and got into problems that the crew had to intervene to keep them from getting hurt. Ask the crews how many times the tourist made a mistake and wanted to sue them for their own mistake. I can not tell you how many times I have to tell the tourist to put that shell back in the water, you are not aloud to take stuff from the reef. but we all do it for the tourist’s dollars.
I could make a list three pages long.

We have a saying: There must be a both with a sign on it at the Jewfish Creek Bridge that says CHECK YOUR COMMON SENSE HERE BEFORE ENTERING THE KEYS:banging:

I am making some broad general statements, there are many tourists that are and have been very good tourists, but the percentage is small of all that come down here. We don’t all do it for the tourists dollars

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