Well looks like we had a nice group of divers to do a nice circuit around the South half of the quarry. Vis wasnt bad and some areas was back to 30 ft and people were noticing a difference form last weel on the positive side. The vis was best near the car leaning over the edge (east of the entrance follow the second line
across the quarry).
After the dive I donned a 7 mm shorty and headed for the water slide for 10 goes or so. Also they have a 20+ ft jump into the water and the zip lines that go across the quarry. It was a lot of fun and a great way to beat the heat. I cant express enough the need to head for the other water fun attractions after the dive.
Saw large bass, a very large eel, and made some new dive buddies.
Not too sure how the ocean was today with the SW gusts and threat of Gabriel swells, but had just as much fun at the quarry. The water was sweet.
across the quarry).
After the dive I donned a 7 mm shorty and headed for the water slide for 10 goes or so. Also they have a 20+ ft jump into the water and the zip lines that go across the quarry. It was a lot of fun and a great way to beat the heat. I cant express enough the need to head for the other water fun attractions after the dive.
Saw large bass, a very large eel, and made some new dive buddies.
Not too sure how the ocean was today with the SW gusts and threat of Gabriel swells, but had just as much fun at the quarry. The water was sweet.