Porteguese Man-o-War nearly killed me.

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Scuba Jerm

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Rocky Mountains.... wishing I was near some good d
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50 - 99
Here is my incident:

I was prepping for a boat dive in Fiji, putting on my shorty wetsuit, got all the gear on and got into the water. This dive site had a decent rope which was anchored to the top of a reef that was 30 feet below the surface. I proceeded to make my decent, and I felt an irritating itch develop on my right forearm. I started scratching it, wondering what would've caused the intense itching, but it soon went away, leaving a lined redmark with a couple dots through it.

Finished that dive, and continued on to another one. I guess that was my mistake. I should've made someone aware of what happened during the first dive. Anyway, the rest of the day i felt really exhausted, just overly tired to the point that eating wasn't of interest, just wanted to sleep. I awoke the next morning feeling like I had drank the worlds entire supply of beer! (I'm not a drinker so I don't know what a hang over is like, but it had to be something like this)

Long story short, I was given some anti biotics, that didn't help. I discovered upon my return to the US the sting made by the Porteguese man-o-war put my body into a muscle peralysis, causing my heart rate to sky rocket, and with some cases, the heart can rupture and your done for.

The lesson I learned... no matter how tropical the water is, i'm going to cover up to ensure no nasty critters get to me.
Ugh, that sounds awful. A ruptured heart would not be a *good time*.

Are you sure it was a Man 'O War that did it? Normally, contact with their stinging tentacles elicits a VERY immediate pain, not some piddly itching sensation. Man 'O War stings are very rarely fatal, also. They just feel like you're dying!
Are you sure it was a Man 'O War that did it? Normally, contact with their stinging tentacles elicits a VERY immediate pain, not some piddly itching sensation.

I questioned that myself, I would've expected a sharp pain. But my doctor is a diver and i explained it all to him... he's been diving for years and years, gave me a good explaination that I've since forgotten cause it was so technical (doctors are good at confusion). He was certain that is what it was, but who knows. All I remember is just wanting to die.
I agree with it probably not being a man o war. The man o wars in the Pacific (and I rarely saw them in the Philippines or Malaysia but common in Hawaii....many many stings while surfing) have about a 1 to 2 inch "sail" on them. And they do sting right away like 5 or 6 bees, sometimes causing an aching pain in the lymph glands nearest the sting.
The beasts we have in the Caribbean....I've yet to be stung by but I'm a lot more wary of these monsters. I've seen them from my boat and they have a foot long sail.
Glad to hear you're ok!

PMOW - not many here either (have yet to see one)...we have problems with box jellyfish, 10 days after full moon.
Glad to hear you're ok!

PMOW - not many here either (have yet to see one)...we have problems with box jellyfish, 10 days after full moon.

You've never seen the little bright blue ones with a clear bubble "sail" and 8-10 foot tenacles? Unless Hawaii has changed since the 70s and 80s there should be lots of them. I got stung most days on the windward sides (Kauai and Oahu) with trades blowing. All of a sudden, they'd be all around you and it's time to get out of the water.
Never heard of box jellies there either. Is this the lethal one that occurs off Australia?
Nope, not one. But I mostly dive the Waikiki side - not windward.

Usually 10 days after full moon Waikiki is full of box jellies, lots of tourists get stung, always in the news. Even the Ala Wai is full of them - looks like a bunch of plastic bags floating around. They sting, but don't kill.
Glad you're ok. Years ago my grandfather swam face-first into a man-o-war.


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