Originally posted by sharpenu
Ok, next time, if you prefer, I can just pick up my cell and dial *FMP and have the marine patrol waiting to arrest him when we get back to the dock? I think that instructors are NOT Gods. Some may think they are, but they are mistaken. The attitude that I can't question someone because they are an instructor and I am not sounds as if I should somehow not question my "betters". First, I was chewing him out on a subject that has nothing to do with diving. Second, I don't care WHO you are. If you are wrong, you are wrong. I have no "moral", legal or other responsibility to ANY instructor from any agency.
And, BTW, next time I DO call the FMP and I told him so. We have enough problems with reefs dying and bleaching around here without divers ruining the very thing they are there to enjoy. I saw some complaints about stripping historical wrecks on the other thread. How is that any different? What about the instructor I saw telling his student to scrape the eggs off of the lobster he just brought up so he can keep it? I guess I can't question him in public, either?
By all means- DO CALL THE FMP (I dont know what it is, but it sounds like our "park rangers"). If he did something wrong he should be punished for it. About the chewing- My opinion is that it's wrong to "chew" in public. I think it's better to do it privately, and in a more quiet way. Chewing him like you did probobly had the only result of you feeling better and nothiung else. In my work as instructor, I had many times to "chew" on junior instructors and divemasters. I'd take them to a remote place, sit with them and discuss what they did wrong and how to improve it. It worked much better. The point about you not being an instructor is the smallest. I personaly will not chew in public someone that is more certified than me and therefore may have considerations that I am not aware of.