What explosives and demolition training did you get? 

scubapro50:hassle free diving ? ..... OK .... have your instructor put you thru the "hell" dive part of the course. Back in the 60's they made us put alumnium foil in the masks (so we couldn't see) and made us pick up weights off the bottom on the pool. The instructors would then swim around and do stuff like drop your weight belt, turn off your air or sometimes remove your regulator out of your mouth just to see how you would react. ( now remember we had doublehoses and singlehoses without octs. back then ). Now since I'm an "old salt" and haven't taken a basic course in over 30 years they may not do this anymore. Hell ..... I just learned that most on the time they don't show you how to share one 2nd stag in buddy breathing (and let you practice it in the pool) or discuss the importance of having a snorkel with you at all times ....... training .... i know they don't teach how to take your tank off underwater and use it as a ram to butt sharks attacks by hitting them in the nose...... honest ..... I was taught that ....