Pool Pervert!!!

What would you do if you noticed a pervert checking out lady swimmers in the pool

  • Ingnore it and focus on your swim

    Votes: 60 35.5%
  • Tell the lifeguard

    Votes: 27 16.0%
  • Inform management

    Votes: 38 22.5%
  • Tell the lady swimmer about it and let her deal with it

    Votes: 15 8.9%
  • Confront the pervert

    Votes: 18 10.7%
  • Grab the guy and drag him to the bottom of the pool

    Votes: 11 6.5%

  • Total voters

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LOLOL, you guys need to calm down...i bet roto was typing hard when he replied...

Learn to spot a properly placed troll when you see one...my goodness.

Dude, why come clean so quick? I know that you know that one should let a "properly placed troll" smolder awhile! Come on, man... you're a professional! :D
The circumstances here look similar to one that happened when I was in university. A professor was convicted of sexual harassmant for "ogling" in one of the university pools while he was wearing goggles and fins.

The incident occurred in 1988, and there are not too many unbiased accounts of it still available online. One article from 1997 I did find references the case:

"Virtually every university and college in the U.S. and Canada is committed to zero tolerance for the insensitivity of "ogling" women. Professor Richard Hummel at the University of Toronto was banned for five years from the university swimming pool, required to submit to Communist-style reeducation, and obliged to defend himself at the cost of many thousands of dollars. The university spent more than $200,000 for countless hearings before hearing and appeal boards and judicial reviews to investigate his alleged "ogling" under water. Of course, the accusing part-time student Beverley Torfason wanted her share of $4000 as well. In a recent letter (March 25, 1996) from the Warden of Hart House Professor Hummel, after being readmitted, is reminded of his commitments:"
"1. You will look at the ceiling or your chest when swimming on your back.
2. You will not survey the pool or make eye contact beyond a glance of a fraction of a second.
In order to inform you, the lifeguards could, for example, quietly say 'Ceiling, sir' for #1 and 'Glancing only, sir' for #2... walking on the ledge in a swim lane (water) absolutely was not part of our understanding respecting warm up, stretching, or exit agreements."

The full article can be read at http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3711/is_199711/ai_n8763113
The quoted passage is on the third page.

It was pretty big news on and off campus at the time. Don't remember much more than that there was a conviction and that is was a very messy situation all around.
1. It was a public place. No expectation of privacy.
2. He could only see what she chose to show. She picked the outfit and decided on how tight or loose it was, how thick or thin or translucent the material when wet was and how much of her body it covered.
3. As long as he was in his lane there should be no issues for anyone.
4. How is it that a female can expose 98% or more of her body, but if you look your a pervert?

There's a big difference between 'looking' and following the gal while staring at her crotch. I can't believe you all think this is OK.

Let the girl know. Let her deal with it as she sees fit.
Am I mentoring you, am I your idol or something? You gonna start a personal fan club or something.

Oh, ya. That's it. eyebrow If you would put up a website with tips for trolls, I would be glad to add a link to my sig!

I'm afraid that trolling will become a lost art if those skilled in the technique don't share their knowledge. :D
It is a skill I am not proud of....but anywho...back to this subject....

If the guy is two feet behind her than yes, thats inappropriate....but if he keeps his distance...then I feel he can stare all he wants, again keeping his hands off of her. If she feels uncomfortable than she can leave the pool, just choose to ignore him, or confront him...which if she confronted me I'd be like...yeah I was staring at you. In order for you to know im staring at you you have to be staring at me....so lets call it even and I'll let you buy me a drink.
Typical analysis of an observation someone posted. From what I read, there does not appear to be enough information to determine what the swimmer was doing.

The smart thing would be to inform the female of your observations and let her deal with the situatuion. Should it get to the point of him following her, that is why we pay law eforcement.

Do I believe that there a predators out there, sure do. Is every man/woman that checks out the oppsite sex a predator, seriously doubt it.

I have seen to many times the egos of a man/woman cause a situation what wound up in a violent manner for no reason at all.

When out with a women, at times it is best to let them handle the situation. They, as we all know, have the ability to verbally put the person in their place and make them feel so small they wished they never started anything. Should she require some help then that is where it pays to be asertive.

In these times it does pay to be attentive to your surrounding. But it is best to deal
with anything in an intelligent manner. Remember one thing, in these times falsely accusing someone one, could result in a violent encounter or the "Biggy" a lawsuit.

As we learned how to dealt with panic as a diver the same goes here.

Just my $.02 and MHO

If I was realy trobled about a pearson looking. I might let hem now that I notesed he was there no more then that. If he was out of place I would let some now. [But I am not a pervert and I am 50. I steel look]
Yoohoo, wake up! NO woman EVER "ASKS FOR IT". You may be right about not invading her space, but if he made her uncomfortable, then he was staring too hard. Some women don't know what is appropriate to wear. Look at the clothes in the little girl's department of any store, they all dress like hoochies. Poor taste in clothing does not mean anybody is asking for it (whatever it represents).

Personally, I would pound him into dog doo.:smash:

Thank you for listening.

People, we do not have a right to "not being made uncomfortable". It sound like this guy was very impolite but there is no law against being impolite.
This is definately a pet hate of mine, and the main reason I've been a recluse for 3 years now, to the extent that I no longer have a television.
Society is hypocritical, there is a masculine attitude that permeates through it where some individuals feel the necessity to adopt the hero role, or take the moral high ground. From observation I've concluded that those who do take the moral high ground generally do so and are able to identify itinerant behavoir, because they themselves harbour their own sexual insecurities, I believe it's called "transference". ("Burn the witch").
i.e What qualifies someone to know what another is thinking, without using their own thoughts as a point of reference.
As a single guy, I feel particularly uncomfortable about going to pools, beaches, parks, or anywhere else where other people go, because of this very mentality, I am paranoid that if I sit on a park bench and casually watch people playing football, that someone may think I'm a pervert, in fact, I would say my discomfort and paranoia prevents me from living a normal life, perhaps it's over reaction on my part, but every TV program, Radio Program, Newspaper is bombarding me with this shock horror information, my mind and personal space have been so polluted by the speculative reporting in the media, that if their reports are to be believed, anyone who is outside of their home without a good reason must be a pervert. Hell I remember one tabloid even printed 10 point guides on how to spot a pervert. The 10 points are so generalised that pretty much everybody fits some of them. And to rub salt into the wound, the tabloids printing this ****e generally have a picture of a young topless female on page 3 sometimes with a school tie. Rarely older than 18.
My opinion is that the media prints this ****e, because people obsess about it, the more unpleasant and sexually depraved stories they print, the worse the world seems, and the more unsafe we feel, yet the more people lap it up because to an extent they need to satisfy curiosity, and need to know what's happening.
In fact I think this mentality may even create the problems in the first place, as the protocols for interacting become more complicated, and signals become more mixed up, less socially capable individuals have a harder time identifying how to approach situations, On top of which your average poor ugly bloke is bombarded with look but don't touch imagery of beauty, the older one gets the more apparent it is, and the further the exclusion extends.
The whole thing is a vicious circle. Do yourselves a favour, Sell your T.V, don't buy newspapers or fashion mags and go diving instead. Generally marine creatures have better things to worry about. (Though triggerfish may wish to know just what the hell you think you're doing).

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