Pony size

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As for flying: there are a few threads that have links to the TSA/FAA rules about these things, but basically you must remove the valve and present it for inspection. I suggest you check it, because it would be real easy for it to be considered a blunt weapon. Some will say you need a vis after removing the valve, I would not. Just plug it finger-tight with one of those plasic plugs. (The tank will probably ship with one)
As for flying: there are a few threads that have links to the TSA/FAA rules about these things, but basically you must remove the valve and present it for inspection. I suggest you check it, because it would be real easy for it to be considered a blunt weapon. Some will say you need a vis after removing the valve, I would not. Just plug it finger-tight with one of those plasic plugs. (The tank will probably ship with one)

I don't believe you are allowed to check the tanks, they have to be carry on.

Now, what the TSA rules say on the website, and what is experienced at the airport, may be entirely different.

6 cubic feet would pack easily, but seems a bit on the small side for a nice safety stop. 30 would be plenty of air, but very hard to pack in carry on.

What sizes are between these two? I know of 13 and 19, is there a 9?

What sizes would more experienced people choose?


A 6 cu ft would get you back to the surface safely from 100 ft, but you would not have enough air to do a safety stop. Still, 6 is large enough, if you have to choose between a 6 and nothing at all. I use my 6 for dives to 50 ft or less, and then it is enough for a safety stop as well.

13 is enough to get you back from 100 ft, plus a safety stop, provided you do not mess around.

The only time you would need larger than a 13 would be if you plan to mess around a lot, at depth, after your equipment failure, or whatever.
And that is well and good. But you should consider that I have probably answered that question a few times in the past and may not wish to do so again, as they (answers) can be found with a little work (on your part).

I should consider how many times you've personally answered a question? I don't think so.

BTW, not only did I search Pony, Pony Size, Pony Carry on, pony travelling, pony problems, I read most of the replies. Many of which are quite out of date since many of the rules and regulations have changed. Most of the posts where when the TSA rules didn't allow any tanks on board as checked or carry on. Answers to posts back then are useless with the changed rules.

You may pretend as you wish, but I'm actually having a fairly nice day. I expect people to work somewhat for their knowledge, so if you ask something similiar in the future, you may expect a similiar response.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt for not being an ***, I guess I was mistaken. I'll readily admit my error.

You keep trying to use lame qualifiers such as "couple" "somewhat" "little work" in terms of the search parameters. If you even read the body of my post, which frankly I doubt, you didn't understand it.

I ran a number of searches, I read hundreds of posts. I didn't find the answer to my query, so I asked specificially. I really don't care if you approve or not, since you most likely read the subject line and went ballastic without reading the body of the post.

Nobody is making you read a post, and nobody is making you reply. I'd suggest you just ignore any thread that has pony in the subject, unless you learn to control your emotional outbursts.

No more arguing in this thread.. Dont me seperate you guys.. :11ztongue :11ztongue

Ok, here is my .02. I use a 19ft because most all of my diving is 100 feet or less. With a 19 I know I can safetly accend and still hit a 5 min stop if needed with air left over. I would not carry anything smaller unless you were mostly diving shallow (60 ft or less) then I would use a 13. I think a 30 is a little more then needed because if I am going deeper the 100 I am going doubles with duel regs on a manifold. Hope this helps..
"And that is well and good. But you should consider that I have probably answered that question a few times in the past and may not wish to do so again..."

Who they heck do you think you are? Was the original post directed only to you? You're pretty self-centered and presumptuos for a "Scuba Veteran." Someone had a question and posted it on a message board. That's what people do. Get over yourself. There's other participants here.
Nobody is making you read a post, and nobody is making you reply. I'd suggest you just ignore any thread that has pony in the subject, unless you learn to control your emotional outbursts.


Yea, my bad. I obviously gave you more credit than justified. Of course, if you could use the search feature, you'd have known that.

My vote is for a 19 as well.
I use a 6, but my gills work fairly well yet. :wink:
Aww heck, ya may as well just get an assortment so you can always have the right size on hand. You can never have too much gear, eh?

hear hear :)

Xan - i suggest you get thee to an LDS and eyeball/heft a couple of different sizes to decide whether you want to carry one on as opposed to checking it. i have never seenanything requiring a pony to be carried on. I suggest you find a link to the TSA/DOT/airline sites and get it from the horse's mouth. On this board you're more likely to get it from the ***'s mouth.
Wow....he just asked a question. I dont thinky of us should get to the point that it is frustrating to answer a question, that we may have already answered in the past. One of the biggest advantages of this site, ids the vast diversity of experience that is available to us......that being said...there is a link, www.scubanaked.com, that has an area headed "pony bottle". It gives a chart that gives a rough idea of the times that each size would give at differrent depths. NOW PLAY NICE1 :wink:
Yea, my bad. I obviously gave you more credit than justified. Of course, if you could use the search feature, you'd have known that.


Sorry, didn't run any searches on MechDiver + *******. I'll try that one next time, oh wait, I won't. Already been proven. I'll just ignore you now until you finally post something worth the digital space taken.


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