Please help name Denise's Dive Trailer

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I suppose some might find a totally submissive man accomodating. I, however, would rather beat it out of him. :wink:

Careful with those beatings. Never know what you might end up getting out of him.
I suppose some might find a totally submissive man accomodating. I, however, would rather beat it out of him. :wink:

Well it worked for hey it should work for you too Denise! LOL!

Hey, if she looked like that, she would probably have won. :wink:
Hey, if she looked like that, she would probably have won. :wink:

I still wouldn't have voted for here....

I know some people who in the primary even voted on the democratic ticket for Obama just so they could vote against her. Of course they'll vote different come the election.

I don't think we have heard the last of her! God help us all!
But then I don't get the warm fuzzies from Obama either!

Oh my, either pic of her is scary.

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