Please help name Denise's Dive Trailer

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I suspect, Denise, that you will awake one crisp foggy morning in NW Florida (in October, near a Spring) to find your "dive-wagon of mass destruction" has been named.

I wouldn't be suprised, in fact, if almost ALL of the very excellent suggestions posted on this board found their way onto the sides, front, back, and even top, of your "LDS on wheels".


Now THAT sounds like a DIABOLICAL plan! He he he!

I suspect, Denise, that you will awake one crisp foggy morning in NW Florida (in October, near a Spring) to find your "dive-wagon of mass destruction" has been named.

hmmm.... I think we might have a winner.....

"Dive-wagon of Mass Destruction"


or Dive Diva Denise's "Shagin'-Wagon of Mass Destruction"

or Dive Diva Denise's "Shagin'-Wagon of Doom"

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:skull:Capt really don't want to go there. I was a Pirate in a previous life...ummm...I mean thread :wink: and you don't know diabolical until you cross me:lightning:
:skull:Capt really don't want to go there. I was a Pirate in a previous life...ummm...I mean thread :wink: and you don't know diabolical until you cross me:lightning:

Now Ms. Egg, why would you automatically assume that I would have anything to do with defacing .... I mean, christening .... your Diver's Den of Inequity?? I am quite disppointed and appalled that you would smear my good name and honor in a such a foul manner!

BTW, all the really good pirates carry on ..... since you were a pirate "in a previous life", one has to assume you weren't that successful.
ok... that explains the sign you have in the back of your SUV...


Why Mike. You've finally found a sign I like. :eyebrow:
Now why would you automatically assume that I would have anything to do with defacing ....

Because of your:

1.gross injustice or wickedness.

your Diver's Den of Inequity??

1.lack of equity; unfairness

Tis true. There is no equality. I make all the rules and any defiance is dealt with swiftly and mercilessly. :eyebrow:

BTW, all the really good pirates carry on ..... since you were a pirate "in a previous life", one has to assume you weren't that successful.

I was sooooooo good, I am still in hiding..:blinking:
Because of your:

1.gross injustice or wickedness.


1.lack of equity; unfairness

Tis true. There is no equality. I make all the rules and any defiance is dealt with swiftly and mercilessly. :eyebrow:

I was sooooooo good, I am still in hiding..:blinking:

Good catch! Damn it, I hate!!!

I still say your pirating skills are lacking if you feel the need to hide!
Good catch! Damn it, I hate!!!

I still say your pirating skills are lacking if you feel the need to hide!

:rofl3: It just became tiresome to steal hearts instead of booty.....twas no contest :wink:

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