MyDiveLog:Mine prescribed a daily dose of Claritin D and a steriod nasal spray (Nasonex) that did wonders to help me. Some divers take Sudafed religiously for the same reason ... I think mostly because it's the only medicine whose effects have been studied (and approved) by the Navy for their divers.
Claritan can stay in your blood for more than 30 days. For that reason and a few other potential side effects, Zyrtec and Zyrtec-D(econgestant) are the more-favored stand-in now.
Sudafed's main ingrediant is suphedrine, which is sold as a cheap generic at your local drugstore or Walmart. Quite a few divers use it religiously before every dive around here. It's especially used if they have sinus/allergy issues that frequently hinder clearing. I have this issue with allergies, and Nasonex doesn't have much effect. Suphredirne solves it quite nicely, without having to use anything stronger. I would reccomend staying away from every medication if you can help it, though. However, the benefits may outweigh the risks in a given situation. Consult with your doc first.