What about the AquaLink/AquaLink Views. They are bulkier and $$, but 25% more powerful with something like an additional 45% of operational time. More power and time is attractive ...
I bought an Aqualink View about a year ago.
I decided with the view for a couple reasons. Firstly, I dont fully trust any gear. I liked being able to test and get a LAT/LONG read out to verify that it was correct before taking it to the field. I have tested outside of my house, and then did another test about 60 miles past cell service into the backcountry of Southwestern Virginia. Both tests gave my position within 3 meters of where I was standing, verified by my GPS. I loved seeing that.
Secondly, the additional battery life. I almost always solo hike, and have been involved with SAR rescues where it will routinely take 12+ hours to have personnel respond to the staging area and implement a search plan. In bad weather this time could increase dramatically.
I would imagine being lost off the shore of NC or FL the chances of you being rescued within 24 hours are very high. I would not be so sure the same would be true if your SAR team is being coordinated in Mexico / Philippines/ etc. I can think of no worse feeling than floating off shore and having your battery die on your PLB (well, maybe floating without one would be worse).
If nothing else the PLB brings a great reassurance to my wife any time I am out on my own doing whatever it is. To me, 400 dollars to buy my family peace of mind is worth it. Much easier than justifying the cost of a backup Perdix Lol!