That's what we thought the few times we were in Curacao during the hurricane season...desert, dry air.....But when in Bonaire, it was like mosquito heaven. You know exactly when the bugaboo spray is wearing away (and you feel it frequent when dining in Plaza, with the wait being so long) when you start feeling bites again. It must be a thing by the water, since when chilling with the donkies or walking around town, we didn't get bitten once.Mosquitos aren't a bad problem much of the year on the "desert" island of Bonaire, usually only proliferating after it's been raining. In case you didn't know, there are many products on the market that are sold specifically for the purpose of warding off mosquitoes, some of which actually work. Get enough DEET all over you and the mosquitoes won't even know you're there.
Good thing these mosquitos' bites stops itching pretty quick, unlike those insane and invisble ones in Roatan.