Planning a trip to Thailand - safe to go?

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Madison S

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Madison, NJ
Hello! I‘ve got tons of questions, but will have to start with a few for now. My Husband & I want to plan a trip to Thailand: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, & then to Phuket & Ko Phi Phi for diving.

With the way the world is these days, is it safe for Americans to visit these places? Do Thais like Americans?

Is it hard to get around in Thailand without knowing how to speak a word of Thai? Do the Thais speak some or broken English?

What about the food/water? As with most foreign countries, be careful of the water. But what about the wonderful exotic fruits? Can they be eaten?

Any other issues I should be concerned about?

Madison S
Go to this website by the State department. It gives a lot of good country info and has links to current threat conditions.

Madison S:
Hello! I‘ve got tons of questions, but will have to start with a few for now. My Husband & I want to plan a trip to Thailand: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, & then to Phuket & Ko Phi Phi for diving.

With the way the world is these days, is it safe for Americans to visit these places? Do Thais like Americans?

Is it hard to get around in Thailand without knowing how to speak a word of Thai? Do the Thais speak some or broken English?

What about the food/water? As with most foreign countries, be careful of the water. But what about the wonderful exotic fruits? Can they be eaten?

Any other issues I should be concerned about?

Madison S
Thailand is a travellers heaven you are going to love it. Very well set up for all types of budgets, you dont need to speak thai. Food is good as long as you dont eat anything bigger than a chicken, as refrigeration is sometimes dodgy. Drink bottled water and peel fruit and you will be fine. Take plenty of immodium for emergencies.

As far as security, leave valuables at home, dont take more than you need or can afford to lose and be aware of the classic tourist scams like gemstones that are too good to be true.

Normal travel advice really.
I agree with Mark. Thailand is very easy to travel in. There are frequent buses and trains to wherever you want to go and Americans are welcome. Excellent fruit is readily available. It's cheap and lots of people speak english. I've been there several times so maybe I can offer you some help. If you have any specific questions, pm me.
Hi Madison,
I'm so jealous that you and your husband are planning to go to Thailand. My husband & I went around mid April for 2 weeks. It was the best trip we've ever had. The diving was amazing. There was slightly more current than I would have liked but it was not problematic type of current. It was more like drift diving, which I am not the biggest fan of since you move past everything so quickly it's difficult to see the smaller things, but fantastic for the larger animals of the ocean. Viz was ok but not the best I've seen. Florida Keys still offers the best vis in my opinion. But then again, it's much shallower diving. However the type of animal and plant life that you see in Thailand is incredible. As small as ghost pipe fishes, nudibranchs, harlequin shrimps, clown fishes, anenomes, whale sharks, baby whale sharks, manta rays, more clown fishes (all types). What more can I say, lots of life.

Ok I'm getting carried away.... just so excited for you. But to answer your question, I think Eagle said it the best...check out the gov site. But the way I see it, I'm from NY and you're from NJ. We probably live in one of the considered dangerous threat condition areas. So, seems like other places might be safer to me.

When we were in Thailand in April, everyone seemed friendly enough. In other words, there really wasn't any hostilities aimed at us. They seemed to smile all the time and most of the places we went to had English speaking Thais. Then again, we were in Phuket which is pretty much a tourist trap.

In April, the weather started to get really hot. I hear from others that it gets even hotter in May, June, July. The heat is pretty bad but since we were on a 10 day liveaboard on the Viking Liveaboard (Scandinavian Divers), it was fine. We spent 3 days on shore before and after the liveaboard. When we compare the heat to out on the ocean, it's SOSO much cooler on the ocean.

The liveaboard is the best way to go diving there, the waters were calm during April. And it was so easy just to not have to worry about anything. We did the 10 day Expedition and it was amazing. We went to all the areas around Phi Phi Islands (vis was not great) and the Similan Islands (amazing vis). My typical day was wake up in the morning, grab some coffee or juice and toast, change into bathing suit, grab a tank, go for a dive, come back have an omlete made special for you. Take a break: either a nap, read, or hop on the dingy for a ride to one of the nearby secluded beaches to do some exploring, come back to boat, go for 2nd dive, come up and have lunch while looking at breath-taking scenery, take break: nap, read, etc...., go for 3rd dive sometime around 4 o'clock, come up, take break, have maybe a night dive (but most people are too tired) then dinner time, and that's the end of one fantastic day...

I felt that being on the liveaboard made me feel alot safer than on land in some ways since you are away from the crowds and if any, threats....even though there were none.

Hope this is helpful to you. Sorry about my rambling on...I'm just so excited for you two. Keep us posted on if you go. Take care.
I've lived in Thailand for 16+ years and as a location the sense of security is about the best I have found. You can walk down the streets just about anywhere and be safe.

There are some problems in the deep south near the Malaysian border but that is not close to the locations you have specified.

Thais in general have no problems with most countries and 'Westerners' are generally considered safe here. The majority of Dive shops and trips are conducted by non-Thais.
is it safe for Americans to visit these places?

Safer than your own country I'll bet.

Thailand is about as safe as you can get. Just avoid obvious scams, esp in Bangkok like cheap gems, free tours. Take only licenced taxis. Easy to travel around. Someone can always speak some English, and hotels/guesthouses will always be able to organise taxis and buses for you.

Exotic fruits are safe to eat. Bottled water is plentiful. Best food is to be found on the street at small stalls, Worst food to be found at beachfront tourist restaurants with Phillipino or Thai bands playing songs you'd be happy never to hear again.

Enjoy your trip!
Madison S:
With the way the world is these days, is it safe for Americans to visit these places? Do Thais like Americans?

Is it hard to get around in Thailand without knowing how to speak a word of Thai? Do the Thais speak some or broken English?

Like everyone else Im very jealous too! cant wait to go back there...

I found thailand very safe, American friends of mine never had any prob's and this was during the Gulf War. There were demo's at the time against US owned multi-nat's in the southern muslim areas such as Phuket but I never saw or heard of any tourists Americans, Brits or others having prob's.

Most Thais are Buddhists and they are extremely friendly, very genuine and found they went out of their way to help me when I was there. There are misconceptions about the muslim south, they are just as friendly ad as a toursit you wont have a prob.

Main thing to bear in mind is if there are prob's never raise your voice, always smile and dont raise your hands at a Thai. If you have a disagreement they will not want to lose face and they will not want you to lose face either.

Most Thais English is excellent, it is a really nice gesture though to learn a few words and phrases, an effort like this will be greatly appreciated and the language is fun to learn.

Have fun!

Just remembered also.. if you're in a resort it's no prob to wear beach wear, topless sunbathing though is very disrespectful toward thais and it's embaressing esp for thai women to see. ALSO, in towns and cities beach wear itself is a no no. You can get away with it normaly but I have seen a friend pulled up in town by a police officer cos he was wearing a pair of bermudas and no-shirt!
Hey! Scuba Board is great!! Thanks to everyone for all the helpful feedback! Totally appreciate it! My hubby & I really have our hearts set on going & just wanted to be sure before I booked tickets & stuff. Last year, some friends of ours had safely traveled within Thailand, but many things can change in a year.

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