In an effort to convince my girlfriend we need to live somewhere warm we're heading to san diego in september. I have an idea of what we'd like to do but I'm also looking for recommendations.
- We're probably going to make it to catalina isl. for a day and dive casino point
- We'd also like to do a charter out of san diego. Is there any shore diving there?
- Rock climbing at mission gorge
- san diego zoo
- possibly sea world
- probably some hiking
Is there a place to rent tanks on catalina island? We'll have all our own gear except tanks.
- We're probably going to make it to catalina isl. for a day and dive casino point
- We'd also like to do a charter out of san diego. Is there any shore diving there?
- Rock climbing at mission gorge
- san diego zoo
- possibly sea world
- probably some hiking
Is there a place to rent tanks on catalina island? We'll have all our own gear except tanks.