Lots of suits work great when they're new.
One of the things you're doing when you drop serious ching into a custom drysuit, is you're amortizing your cost out over the life of the suit. A good suit (depending on how frequently you dive, whether you're diving at abrasive sites, what you're doing in it, etc.,) should last ten years or more. You'll need to change wrist and neck seals, perhaps repair some leaks, aquaseal some seams, etc., but the suit itself should last quite awhile.
For whichever suit you think you want to buy, look around and try to find guys who have owned one like it for six to ten years. Ask them how the suit has held up over time.
I've got a custom DUI suit I bought new in 2002. Its got around six years on it, looks good, changed wrist and necks seals once or twice, it still holding up real well. No complaints (except its shrunk a bit around the waist. Go figure.)
See whether you can find similar reports on whichever suit you think you want to invest in.