picking out a new reg

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My suggestion is to always have two identical regs. Both for first and second stages. And both for primary and secondary 2nd stages.
If you plan to step up to a tank with double valves, or a twin tank, or a primary tank plus pony, or a full dual sidemount, and you feel the need for a rotating turret with 5 ports, my suggestion is two MK19 and two G260.
They are reasonably priced here in EU: Scubapro MK19 EVO G260 Respirator Lung Machine - NEW from specialist retailers!!! 4048336418256 | eBay
If you are keeping the Mk17 then why change manufacturer. You will need to service the Mk17 and new regs if going sidemount. Save yourself the hassle of two different regs to service or mail for service. I would suggest the MK19 or Mk25 and G260, I personally dive dual D600s with a Mk25. I am getting G260s as backup seconds. I don't service my own so will carry backup seconds instead of parts, I find it easier.
I am currently diving a 16 yo sp mk17 in a primary donate configuration. I am going to get a new reg and keep this one as a back up. I am considering sidemount and want a rotating turret and fifth lp port. I dive about 50 times a year in mostly tropical waters and may possibly do tech training but have no interest in cave diving or deep penetration into wrecks. Currently considering atomic st1, dive rite x1 xt4, apex xtx50 and deep 6. Money isn't an issue in my decision process . The local dive shops (i'm in the desert) sell atomic apex only so the others require shipping. I would appreciate any thoughts.

I currently own and use:

Atomic M1
ScubaPro Mk 25 EVO+G260
Dive Rite XT1+XT2
Dive Rite XT1+XT4
Halcyon H75P+Halo

I have also previously owned and used Atomic Z2 and ScubaPro Mk 25 EVO+S620Ti.

Of them all, I like the Atomics the best. All Atomics are the same basic design and breathe the same. If you are looking at Atomic, I would suggest the M1 over the ST1. Especially if you think you'll do tech training at some point. The M1 is the only Atomic reg rated for more than 40% Nitrox. It also has some small differences that make it better for tech use than the other Atomic regs.

To me, the SP Mk25/G260 breathes just as well as the Atomics, but I would choose the Atomics because the M1 is less expensive, the M1 1st stage is sealed, and I like the Atomic AFC feature.

Until recently, I would have said the DR XT1/XT4 breathes as well as the other two. Now, I have to put that back in the "the jury is still out" category. I was diving with another instructor last week and we were demoing air-sharing on doubles to some Intro to Tech students. I was using my M1s and she was using DR XT1/XT4s. She donated to me and I started breathing off her XT4. I immediately noticed that it did not breathe nearly as well as my M1. But, I have not followed up to figure out if it was something about the way she had it adjusted. My plan is to dive my doubles with one of my XT1/4 regs on one post and an M1 set on the other post and compare them back to back, at depth.

I did the same kind of test when I still had SP S620Ti regs. One of those on one post versus a G260 set on the other post. The difference was small, but I could clearly feel A difference and I liked the G260 better.

I've had nothing but trouble with my Halcyon regs breathing okay when freshly serviced and then gradually starting to breathe like crap pretty quickly after service. I don't know what is wrong, but another instructor at my shop has been having the same issue. I am pretty much done dealing with it and don't expect to buy any more H regs - and to have mine serviced and sell them as soon as my replacement Atomic regs arrive.

Bottom line: Support you local shop. If they sell Atomic, then that is what I would buy. A bit more expensive to service, but, one, probably won't need to be serviced as often, and, two, worth it. :)

ps. I definitely agree with buying 1st stages that have a swivel turret and bottom port.
Many (most) new regulators come out of the box in a poor state of tune or minimum tune. Thus on the fly comparing this to that and that and this other is not super useful. What makes @rsingler tests useful is that he tunes the regs himself and sets them to factory specs or similar "hot" tunes. When I compare regulators I have set them up myself and know that they are well within manual specs. Unfortunately, many/most are not in spec or barely so.

For example there is a thread where a poster mentions his SP A700 does not perform well for him and this despite going in for repairs twice. This means nothing to me unless I get the specs from the shop for the cracking effort and how it was set up. I like the knob full out with a slight hiss. Two shops set the regulator up poorly would be my response. It is common practice to set a regulator up on the stiff side of in spec or even out of spec so that when the seats break-in the customer does not bring it back complaining it leaks with the tension knob full out. And they overdo it resulting in poor performing regulators. And they will do this every time, over and over. In this case, the orifice most likely needs to be set outward 1/16 turn and/or the Micro-Adjust set to less tension on the S-wing poppet. Yep, bad techs in bad shops do the same bad work with the same bad results over and over.

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