Photo Gallery

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Just to stay on focus. To the scubaboard members this is an excellent site with a responsive support staff, please lets not get caught up with negativity of a few.
3 cheers for scubaboard
deeper thoughts:
Just to stay on focus. To the scubaboard members this is an excellent site with a responsive support staff, please lets not get caught up with negativity of a few.
3 cheers for scubaboard

i'll drink to that :D it's the friends i made here that i will miss not my photos in the gallery ;)
I appreciate your support. Thanks for making this a labor of love and not just a labor.

I am so pleased. At last we have an objective discussion happening here. This is how progress is made.


There is nothing objective in any of your comments. Your whining pure and simple, if you want to walk, walk, dont post threats and keep coming back.....

You seem to think there is an entire staff supporting this site. You forget that they all have real jobs and maybe like to dive and take a few photos themselves. As for the dot com comment, bandwidth and DASD are not free, something or someone has to pay for it, and since your not red we know it's not you.

By your complaints I am surprised that you were able to find the photo gallery up enough to delete the many photo's that you claim to have uploaded.

And don't even think about lecturing me about business, I am quite successful.

I have always found that those who scream the loudest tend to be the most insecure and the most incompetent.

If you were truely professional you would have handled this in a pm.

Yes, I climbed down into the gutter on this post, but someone had to get down to your level to get your attention.

To NetDoc - sorry about this post, but I just couldn't sit back and and watch this.

I have always found that those who scream the loudest tend to be the most insecure and the most incompetent.
Love it...! I remember those from a trip I sponsored once.
Ye of little faith.

I used to have hundreds of pics hosted here. I killed them all when the site died.

Ok the photo section is up so go ahead and reload those photos you are talking about. Funny thing about photos on the internet is they need to be taken first then uploaded. With this in mind you can look at your photos all day long and not need SB to do it. BUT if you load them then we can all see and enjoy them or critique them, or photoshop them etc etc etc

As for Pete well I remember there was a time not all that long ago that you took over SB, struggled with it to get it right and since that trail and error days things have done nothing but grown.

The IT world aside any one who has a business cannot predict the future. They can plan for growth but when it's all is said and done no one can predict how that growth will occur and at what rate. To transfer a working file/files while attempting to keep it up and add new files at the same time for 65,000 members is not a easy task even in this computer driven world. Things get dropped down the list and some things need to have a priority over others. This is life, it sucks, get use to it.

yes the bank would question their IT representative but then they have a much bigger budget to work with than what Pete has

Pete Bravo Mon Amis
You're obviously easily pleased...

No, not really, I'm a picky sunofabeach, but I have found photobucket, which, just between you and me, is far better. They offer more space, I can upload large video files.. AND - I can link to my pictures from anywhere, you don't have to be a member to see them :)

I'm actually happy that the photo gallery is down, otherwise I would have not gotten onto photobucket.

I'm about turning a disadvantage into an advantage ;)
No, not really, I'm a picky sunofabeach, but I have found photobucket, which, just between you and me, is far better. They offer more space, I can upload large video files.. AND - I can link to my pictures from anywhere, you don't have to be a member to see them :)

I'm actually happy that the photo gallery is down, otherwise I would have not gotten onto photobucket.

I'm about turning a disadvantage into an advantage ;)
I've used Photobucket for a couple of years to imbed pics on posts here, but I just don't like it for large folders. I find it very limiting. Prefer Aol and Yahoo albums. I have thousands of pics backed up on Aol albums, and have used both in the last day to send email invitations to view albums.

I'm glad that PG is back up, tho - as having one's favs here on SB is special to me. :sappy:
Am I missing something? Is the PG open for loading or not? I just tried, got a sign-in screen, that didn't accept my SB password. :confused:
Am I missing something? Is the PG open for loading or not? I just tried, got a sign-in screen, that didn't accept my SB password. :confused:

Hey DandyDon, last I heard it was up Monday, and then they had more problems and I swore I saw a post from NetDoc that they had taken it down again while they tried to resolve the issue. I could be wrong but I think thats what i read

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