Ask for what YOU want out of the course. If you only want to take vacation point and shoot tell the instructor that. If you really want to be able to have poster sized shots or publish ultimately, tell the instructor. If you really want to concentrate on natural light, macro, etc - tell the instructor.
Many dive shops may offer, say the PADI cert, but actually offer a "larger" course to suit each student based on experience, equipment, goals, interests, ability, time-frame etc. They have to meet the agency standards, but there is nothing that says they can't exceed these - and many do.
Most uw photo instructors I know want their students to tell them about their current experience with photography (land and uw), about what kind of diving they will doing, about the kind of equipment they will be purchasing if they haven't already...the more information about you that you provide, the better the course should be. Instructors don't really want to read out of the book or nag about things you already know! Instructors are also more than willing (or should be...if not, run) to share their experience with you and show you some of their work.
This assumes that you find an UW Photo instructor you feel comfortable with, of course.