Diver Dennis
Originally Posted by Diver Dennis
Isn't the whole idea that you are trying to move forward relative to the bottom, not the water? Let's say you are traveling north along a reef at .5 knots. If there is a current against you going 1 knot and your energy output is the same, you would be going backwards at .5 knots. Correct?
Of course. But you're not moving against the ground, you're moving against the water.
If you can move against still water at 4.0kt in split fins and 3.0kt in paddles, then in a 3.5kt current you're going backwards in paddles and forward in split fins.
Ahhh. You didn't say this was based on the theory that splits are faster and more efficient. Are there tests that give credence to that theory?
Actually to say you have forward motion, I think you have to use a stationary object to measure it.