Due to the work of a number of folks, parts of Wakulla are opening back up to the General public. Emerald springs is one of those sites. A large number of cave divers got together last fall and this spring, and erected a set of steps and did a lot of prep-work to get the site usable by cave divers. There are limits on using the site (you have to register and sign in), and you have to be full cave certified and have trimix training as I believe the site goes to about 180ft.
Another site that has recently opened is Indian Springs. Those who know the history of the area, will recognize that name as the place where the former project leader for the WKPP met his fate when the ceiling collapsed and buried his exit. A lot of work has gone into getting that site cleaned up and ready to dive again.
The person who started this thread, karstdvr, is one of a few cave divers authorized to lead dives in Indian Springs (all cave dives at Indian must be led at this point), and he has worked TIRELESSLY in an effort to help open up cave access in the Wakulla area. The shop where I work part time is about 10 minutes from Indian Springs, so we are working to try to support diving operations in this area as best we can.
So kudo's to kartdvr and his peers for helping with this project, and I will do my small part where I can to help those folks even though it will be some years before I can dive these sites.