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Scuba Instructor
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I have a lot of patience with websites and in particular with this one because I sincerely believe that it's the best resource for divers EVER.....


The performance of the site during the last few weeks or so has been *so* *unbelievably* *bad* that we're running a serious risk of losing membership to sites with less to offer but don't make you wait 5 minutes between mouse clicks....

If this were my project and I were responsible I'd be hanging people up by their testicles by now to get this problem sorted out.... it's been going on for months and it needs to stop! Enough is enough!

Um, if you'd taken the time to read any of the plethora of posts or announcements, you may have noticed that these problems have been directly or indirectly related to the great efforts being put toward moving to new servers in a new location. Now, go do 20 minutes of deco as penance for complaining before reading. :D

(Er... and in case you *did* know about it before you posted... um... well, in that case, make it 30 minutes.)
I agree with Diver0001...
I have been reading and observing... the only thing keeping me here is the only other viable option is Scuba Forum.
Um, if you'd taken the time to read any of the plethora of posts or announcements, you may have noticed that these problems have been directly or indirectly related to the great efforts being put toward moving to new servers in a new location. Now, go do 20 minutes of deco as penance for complaining before reading. :D

(Er... and in case you *did* know about it before you posted... um... well, in that case, make it 30 minutes.)

Dude come on..... On the project I'm working on right now the programmers are *scrambling* if we're 100 milliseconds behind schedule.....If a loss in performance is "human observable" then they're asking me if i still trust them....

Believe me, if this were my project, the "plethora" of excuses we've had over the performance would have been addressed with more than just "announcements".

I for one am happy they can spend their time getting everything moved and debugged, rather than posting a play-by-play for those of us who are used to working in millisecond time scales. However, if you would like to sponsor me to be a play-by-play commentator for whatever they're doing, I'd be willing to ask for permission to document the process.
I certainly agree that I want them to succeed. But from the outside it just doesn't look like they have their issues managed.

This isn't a corporate project where there are multiple people who can put their entire day towards correcting the issues. I'm sure the finances of hosting are also a big consideration which takes time to research. I have faith in NetDoc that he has this under control and ScubaBoard will be returned to its full glory shortly. I've already noticed that today the site appears to be much better behaved, albeit not perfect, than it has in the past few weeks. I expect it will only get better.
I expect it will only get better.

I believed this too for a couple of years, and I hoped it for a couple more.....

What I believe today is that they have a great product but they are virtually unable to keep it flying.

I hope with all my heart that they succeed but after 4 years of waiting for stability, the realist in me is starting to believe that the technical challenges are beyond their collective ability to control it.

That's not to insult anyone. Why this happened I don't know. Maybe they have a shortage of time or money, maybe they aren't able to keep up, maybe they they made a "maintenance intensive" choice of software and/or hardware.

I have no insight into the problems, but the problems are evident none the less and it's clear that they're getting worse and worse.

I have as much insight as has been provided in the numerous threads in which details have been dropped, and it's clear to me that the problems have abated greatly as this week has progressed.

Sometimes it's nice to be new enough to not be cynical and jaded. :D
I'm sorry... are you STILL having issues signing on? At all? I have been zipping around the board all morning and am LOVING the absense of crashes.

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