To be fair I had something similar happen to me but it was the GoPro 10. I live in Colombia but my parents are in VA. I bought a GoPro and had it delivered there and made sure they kept it for me until a cousin of mine travelled to Colombia.To make sure it’s not stolen - there were threads about scams not that long ago.
On the surface, “I received an extra one” and will sell if for $125 less than cost (not counting tax) instead of returning to where you bought for a refund can seem a little sketchy - so buyers want to make sure it’s legit.
EDIT - it might be best to tell the long story as it's a good deal but the explanation of "need to sell it" raises two questions:
- As above, why sell at a loss vs just getting a refund?
- How do you get an "extra" one and not realize you were charged an extra $1,100 plus at the time of purchase?
When I got it I could tell something was off. The case was missing and the SD card was not packaged by GoPro. Turns out that my mom received the GP but lost it and instead of telling me she bought me another one but with out the case and extra batteries. A few months I went home to visit and the original one I bought popped up. So of course I sold it. The guy that bought it was a cop and admitted to me that he didn't pull the trigger on the purchase till he checked me out on FB; the pictures of me in uniform put him at ease and he didn't even want to test it out in the parking lot.