All the comments are great.
I remember during summer break leaving the house at 8-9am and not being back till dark and if I wasn't home on time my Mom standing at the front door yelling my name to get home!!
I used the skate board for transportation, not for tricks.
Roller skates with wheels next to each other, not in a line!
Playing "war" in the woods next to my house with all the other boys in the neighborhood.
Playing Frisby with friends, throwing it across the street while cars were driving by.
Playing baseball on the street and getting yelled at by the neighbors about hitting their houses with the ball.
Walking 3 mile south of my town on the railroad tracks to see my girlfriend! (she's now my wife!!)
The 60's and 70's were a great time to be a kid!!!
I remember during summer break leaving the house at 8-9am and not being back till dark and if I wasn't home on time my Mom standing at the front door yelling my name to get home!!
I used the skate board for transportation, not for tricks.
Roller skates with wheels next to each other, not in a line!
Playing "war" in the woods next to my house with all the other boys in the neighborhood.
Playing Frisby with friends, throwing it across the street while cars were driving by.
Playing baseball on the street and getting yelled at by the neighbors about hitting their houses with the ball.
Walking 3 mile south of my town on the railroad tracks to see my girlfriend! (she's now my wife!!)
The 60's and 70's were a great time to be a kid!!!