People over 35 should be dead

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Coating pennies with mercury was an interesting pastime for kids. I just read where they closed a school because someone spilled a few drops.

When my parents stripped the wallpaper in their first apartment they found the walls had been prime painted with Paris Green-arsenic

Toothpaste tubes were made of lead. Field and Stream magazine had the hint of using strips of tube for split shot sinker substitutes in their "outdoor tips" section

Doctors recommended "Chesterfield" cigarettes

Toasters had asbestos sheets behind the coils

Before 1966, M-80s were legal
I will not take credit for someone else's writing, I just didn't want to detract from it by adding a lot of my own bunk.

Personally, while I find the whole thing amusing to read, I also find it quite a sad statement on society today. Whatever happened to just enjoying life and having fun?

Oh, and Dennis, did you really have to mention the lead toothpaste tubes? Now I feel older than dirt. lol
I guess the author meant to be funny but there's a lot of truth there. What don't kill you makes you stronger and some things while "safe" don't teach anything or prepare you for anything.

Character and experience are worth a few bumps and grinds.

What a Niezschean experience this thread has become!
I still drink from a hose every now and then. I'm living on borrowed time. I remember the first time I rode with my Mom in a car that came with seatbelts. I fastened mine and she asked me if I distrusted her driving. For those of you who haven't made it to 35 yet, yes, there was a time when cars didn't come with seatbelts.
Well, by God, I aint dead !!!
I still have a lot of serious butt kicking and deep dives left in me !!!!
Y'all can lie down and die if you want, but I aint gonna do it !!!

Yeeeeeeeeeee Daaaaaaaamn Haaaaaaaaaa !!!!
Oh, and I still take a leak off the back deck from time to time . . . so THERE !!!!
Personally, while I find the whole thing amusing to read, I also find it quite a sad statement on society today. Whatever happened to just enjoying life and having fun?

Well the truth is the kids that did these things are today's parents. They are the ones that badger the government to bring out legislation to protect their "precious" children. They are the ones that buy their kids bicycle helmets (that don't fit) and insist they wear them. They are the ones obsessed with sun cream and skin cancer. They are the ones that sterilized all the baby's bottles. They are the ones that drive their kids to school. They are the ones that bought the Nintendo.

The grandparents are even worse.

And don't worry guys here in Europe our kids are eating McDonalds getting fat and sitting in front of their 'puter instead of learning life skills or taking risks. According to the newspapers about 1 in 4 adults are peadophiles so trust no-one. And in the UK a month or two back they tried to bring in a law that required all children to wear a crash helmet while cycling. (Don't forget the UK government also banned handguns a while back, since when gun crime has doubled).

Oh and I've evidently been dead a while!!!

I will not take credit for someone else's writing, I just didn't want to detract from it by adding a lot of my own bunk.

Should probably add a citation at least if it doesn't clutter it up too much? *Shrug*

Dude, just go ahead & die already! My kid needs to pay MY Social Security, not YOURS!!

True dat!
Let's see. How about walking 3 miles to school on the rail road tracks because riding the bus was not cool. (although not uphill both ways)

Actually going reading books for a book report rather than todays "internet reports".
Yeah, Seems I'm dead too.
One thing is miising - instead of nintendo, vidoe games, 99 Tv channels at least some of us read books. Do you still remember what is this?

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