Coating pennies with mercury was an interesting pastime for kids. I just read where they closed a school because someone spilled a few drops.
When my parents stripped the wallpaper in their first apartment they found the walls had been prime painted with Paris Green-arsenic
Toothpaste tubes were made of lead. Field and Stream magazine had the hint of using strips of tube for split shot sinker substitutes in their "outdoor tips" section
Doctors recommended "Chesterfield" cigarettes
Toasters had asbestos sheets behind the coils
Before 1966, M-80s were legal
When my parents stripped the wallpaper in their first apartment they found the walls had been prime painted with Paris Green-arsenic
Toothpaste tubes were made of lead. Field and Stream magazine had the hint of using strips of tube for split shot sinker substitutes in their "outdoor tips" section
Doctors recommended "Chesterfield" cigarettes
Toasters had asbestos sheets behind the coils
Before 1966, M-80s were legal