People over 35 should be dead

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My annual plunge through thin ice in one of the numerous shallow local ponds. Never went in deeper than chest height. One time was so cold outside that by the time I got back to the house my outer layers of clothing were frozen solid. I never even got wet, but walking was a bit interesting. Mom learned quickly that if I hollered in the door "get me a towel" a: what had happened and b: no harm, no foul.

Years later at a high school christmas party we went tobogganing in the dark, down a steep, rock strewn hill, towards a river with only a fence between it and us. The twisted aluminum toboggan we found there might have been a clue but we just broke it in half, folded up one end of the "spare" part and made another toboggan.

My parents drove me to that one and picked me up (with a towel waiting for me in the car).
great thread!! Just gave me a huge trip down the memory lane of time, thankfully i to survived, cause i should've been dead 12 yrs ago on this basis.

"The Body may grow old but the mind will remain young.."
"Natasha you're not 16 anymore." That's what my dentist said to me today. She was fixing my chipped tooth from my bike fall a few weeks ago.
"I know," I said. " Everyone tells me that."

Does this really mean I'm too old to ride a bike? Is she trying to tell me people are laughing at 'that old lady still bike riding?'
Is she trying to tell me people are laughing at 'that old lady still bike riding?'
Nah, she's just jealous. ;)
We used to "borrow" plastic milk crates from the local store for one of our fun games. We would stack them 15-20 feet high under a large tree, then climb the tree so we could sit on top of the stack of crates. We'd then rock until we fell forward for a homemade thrill ride. If you didn't kick your feet out in time before hittimg the ground the top crate would hit your ankles, knocking you down face first. The idea was to hit the ground running so you didn't get hurt. And my Mom thinks diving is dangerous!
If this is true, this board is going to lose a lot of members quickly!!!! LOL

I have two years to get my five stars....LOL
Hee Hee...
I found that if I dipped my finger in gasoline and lit it my finger would burn for about 5 seconds before it REALLY started to burn. :vuur1:

My older brother poured gasoline down the manhole cover in the driveway and talked me into dropping a match in. The 30 pound manhole cover shot straight in the air. That was so much fun we tried it again... this time lighting the entire driveway on fire. We spent the next several minutes stomping it all out, then had to run and hide from the neighbor who came to investigate.

We discovered that if you mix aluminum, Drano and water in a coke bottle, and put a balloon over the top the balloon would fill up with VERY flammable hydrogen. Those made for great fireballs.

My older brother discovered that if you mix gunpowder and strike-any-where match heads in an empty CO2 cartridge, then pack it down with a metal rod it will blow off some fingers. After that all the neighborhood parents won't let their kids come to your house and play anymore.

Come to think of it, I guess I am surprised I made it through childhood :)

I remember taking rocket engines and putting them into a vise to squeeze them a little and break up the propellent. We would then dig the rest of the propellent out with a hammer and screwdriver. Never once dig it catch fire while doing this. A couple of engines make for one heck of a fireball when lit. I remember one being about 30 feet in diameter. I was at least smart enough to use a fuse. A neighbor had a relative over that wasn't too bright. The fuse didn't work one time and he decided you could just walk up and light the stuff. Everyone told him to watch it because it will go quick. He kept saying, no it wont. It will fizzle first. It didn't fizzle. He received first and second degree burns. A couple of others smelled like singed hair. Someone yelled out, I told you so.
I must have been dead for over 15 years now! Afterlife sure is fun! ;)

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