Pennyroyal Scuba in Hopkinsville gets two thumbs up!

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I went to Pennyroyal Scuba Center in Hopkinsville, Ky. this past weekend. Wow, what a great place to dive. A variety of depth ranging from ankle depth, to over 130' deep, great vis, a variety of obstacles to navigate through, and things to see, an obviously very experienced, and very helpful staff, etc, etc, etc......I can go on, and on.

I have nothing but good things to say about this place.

Here's something serious you might should consider when doing your next quarry dive. There were two deep divers there Sunday at Pennyroyal's Quarry who had seriously miscalulated their dive intervals, and after realizing their mistake expressed their concerns to the owners of the diving facility. The owners who are in charge of Emergency Services for the State of Kentucky, and the son who is also a Professional Certified EMT/Paramedic had 2 ambulances sitting on site at the facility well inside of only 2 minutes. That is simply outstanding. The staff, and the medical personnel were on top of this potential situation without any hesitation what-so-ever. It's was very comforting to say the least to see that my life would be in the hands of such professionals in the event that the worst should happen to me at this facility. I also learned afterward that there is a decompression chamber within only a couple minutes of the quarry. The two divers fortunately checked out o.k., and seemed a bit humbled, and wiser after their experience. Being as their condition checked out o.k., there was no charge for the two ambulances, or the check-outs that where performed on the divers. Again, wow! Not greedy, and very professional. That's rare these days for sure.

The most important lesson that I came away with out of all this was just how important it is to consider how many minutes I'll be from medical help, and also from a decompression chamber in the event of an emergency while diving. Most quarries, and other dive sites are far from either one, and as safety conscious as I am, I'm really surprised in myself that I hadn't given this more consideration without having to learn it this way.

To sum this up in short, I was very impressed with the emergency readiness, the location in proximity to medical, and deco chamber services, and the professionalism, and experience of the staff at Pennyroyal Scuba Center. Since people in general are usually so quick to criticize, and so slow to compliment these days, I decided to take this time to show some well-deserved recognition for a truely first rate operation/destination. Pennyroyal Scuba Center in Hopkinsville, Ky. I only wish I knew about this place years ago.
I visitied Pennyroyal a couple of weeks ago and had a great time. Several of the locals are Dm's and the staff were quick to buddy me up with one. I was very pleased to say that even though at times I was in 0 vis I felt very safe.

The only critisism that I do have is that the lines to all the stuff in the training area is right on the ground. I think that as vis decreases then students are compelled to get closer and closer to the bottom. Just a suggestion to the owners raise the lines about 1-2 ft off the bottom and vis will be significantly better in these areas.

That said the site is set-up well and has several objects in the water worth diving. I will definately be back ASAP!
The part you are talking about is the 30-40' depth part of the quarry over in the corner. That part got kicked up while I was there by a group of students while I was there. I dove it the day before, and the vis was good there. If you go over the first drop into the 40'-80 the vis is up to 70 plus ft. easy. The lines are as you said they should be there, (about 4' off the bottom, and the students, and new divers usually don't go down there. I'm sure if you go during the week, or first thing Saturday morning before the students arrive, the vis is good in that part as well. That's pretty typical of all places. Even in the caves in Florida where the vis is 100 plus feet, I find the same problems as you've mentioned with vis after classes, or lots of divers have been there. The student will obliterate the vis in a matter of a few minutes there also.

Glad you enjoyed it as well. Give me a shout if you ever need a buddy there. I'll be happy to show you my credentials. I'm just looking for a reason to back to that place. I'll be in the Keys for the next couple of weeks, but after that anytime.

Dive on~
Glad you had a great time. However, I notice that the water temperture has not been mentioned... Not just a surface temp..but all the temps.
The air temp was 88,
Surface was 60,
And the temp at 100' was 48.

Yep, this cool water is the price we have to pay for good vis in that clear spring water I suppose. You'll find the first thermocline at about 30 ft.

If any of you guys ever need a dive buddy at Pennyroyal, I live about 10 minutes from there and am always needing someone to dive with.

You can e-mail me at

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