On extreme deco dives? You sir are mistaken. If you are going to do a bubble study comparing the effectiveness of pure haldanian deco models VS the
effectiveness of Bubble models like VPM or RGBM, I'll even be your Guinea pig to prove you wrong. The term deep stop may be confusing you, but if you read above, I never put a rigid figure on where that stop should happen. It is well proven that starting deco earlier and deeper leads to an overall shorter deco obligation with fewer and smaller bubbles.
Dan Volker no doubt saw this in action when he was diving with GI3 on the regular basis. George was known for doing extremely short deco(relatively short considering his dive profiles). I don't believe he was diving a haldanian model...I was never a GI3 fan, but that doesn't mean I don't buy in on his conceptual beliefs. I was more of an opponent of his internet persona.
Actually it's "mam" not sir. But I am not mistaken - you can look up the heated discussion on RBW a few months ago on that subject. Incidentially, there is good evidence that deep stops actually worsen DCS - even on deep dives. What most forget is that during your ascend you not only off gas but still on gas, too. You off gas some tissues while you still on gas others. A reason why we set our GF the way we do (and I don't share my settings on a forum because.....). Now, that being said, on very deep and long dives where some tissues approach saturations (and which ones etc too long to discuss here), decompression modeling needs to be adjusted.