PastoDeco 5.0 deco planner available

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Rest in Peace
Reaction score
Milan - Italy
# of dives
2500 - 4999
PastoDeco 5.0.0 was released ( Win, MacOS, Android and iOS versions ).

  1. Added a form for reporting bugs or requesting improvements
  2. Added buttons on main screen to select VPM, GFS, ZH-L16 A/B/C, Air Breaks without going into setup menu.
  3. Added Tisses compartments logs: you can print compartments saturation evolution during the dive, see which is the Leading Tissue compartment at each step on dive chart, and on text runtime report it prints out first and last leading compartments ( fist deco stop, last deco stop ).
  4. FORMATTED RUNTIME PRINT: you can generate a PDF in order to print your planned runtime, choosing between three formats ( wetnote, wrist slate, full paper )
  5. Other optimizations


Fast deco model, Air breaks selection buttons


Bug report/improvements requests form


For very long dives, clicking on TTS time button shows a popup windows showing RUNTIME and
TTS in dd, hh, mm format.


Runtime options are grouped under a SETUP ( yellow gear ) menu. This is usefull for
small screen devices.
You can show the runtime in text format, show a popup windows with NOAA CNS table,
export runtime in CSV format, view tissues compartments logs, or generate a PDF file in
order to print your planification.


When generating PDF, you can choose between three formats.


Only under iOS, you asked to specify with which app open generated PDF file.
If you dont have a suitable app, please download Acrobat Reader from App Store.


This is an example of PDF generated runtime.
Under DEPTH column, if more deco steps have the same duration, in order to save space
they will be printed as 45 > 39 2 ( this means deco stops 45meters, 42meters and 39 meters have all 2 minutes duration ).
Every GAS MIX CHANGE is printed in BOLD.


Added leading tissue compartment informations in text runtime.
Here, first stop is generated by TC 4 at 54 meters and last stop is managed by TC 14 at 6 meters.


Tissues compartments logs.


If you've downloaded a dive log ( via Bluetooth, importing a Shearwater desktop DB,
importing a UDDF file or receiving a Shearwater dive DB from another PastoDeco device )
you can click on "Shearwater profile" button and choose a dive to link to your planification.


Here we have planned dive chart ( Buhlmann = red line / VPM = Yellow line / Shearwater
log = Cyan line ).
You can compare planned dive with real dive; if fast ascent speed is detected is shown
in dotted red line.
Moving on dive chart ( mouse or finger ) you can show which tissues compartment are
in normal state ( green ), supersaturated ( orange ), and Leading TC ( Red ).


Clicking on info button you can show all shearwater dive computer settings and
data collected during dive.

Update Manual to latest version will be published soon on PastoDeco Website.
PastoDeco? decompression planning software
I was able to download Android version but i need also PC version so maybe someone still have it on HDD?
Thank you for info. It seems all is working again.
Good morning,
Does anyone know if the website of Antoine or the pastodeco software is being / will be in the future maintained and if so by whom?
In the past, before Antoine's untimely death I had quite a bit to do with during the development and upgrades to the software.
Now, currently, my version 5.00 on PC has reverted to a demo version and I have no idea how to get back the fully functional version.
Also, I have version 4.9.0P on iPad and unable to upgrade the version to 5 due to the version 'not being available in my store'
I would be interested in the future to contribute to the software development either as a contributor or to actually get stuck into it on my own.
Is there anyone else interested in seeing PastoDeco live on?
Hi All
Just a small up.
Anybody has a version for Ipad that could be shared.
I had to throw away my android tab - installed Multideco on new Ipad but really disappointed about it VS Pastodeco ;-((


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