Passenger Bill of Rights for air travel

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pilot fish:
You are not subsidizing any airline. Where is that notion coming from? You are preventing airlines from confining passengers on a plane for 11 hours, which is totally uncalled for and cruel.

What you are mising is that they were prevented from deplaning for 11 hours. hello????? That is something they did not reasonably expect, or have to endure. Delayed? They expected that might happen. Confined on the runway apron for 11? NO, that is not what they should have expected. That is cruel and unusual

No, it isn't. And I'm not sure why you keep saying that. Was it the ideal place to be for 11 hours? No. Would I choose to be there? No. Cruel? No.

You are convinced that these poor people suffered some sort of tortuous ordeal that no human being should ever have to face. I think that's absurd. I think you're overreacting based on your own personal experiences and the sensationalistic news coverage. We'll just have to disagree.

This goes way beyond normal expected delay and exceeds "inconvenience" by a magnitude of 100. This constitues illegal detention.

Not even close.

Again, this illustrates your lack of understanding as to what actually occured.

I see it as illustrating your hysteria over a rare occurance. That makes us even.

You see this as mere delay? Amazing!

What else could it be? They were not flying anywhere for that 11 hours if they hadn't been on the plane. No one was harmed. No one injured. They were delayed. The delay just happened to have occured in an airplane. Ideal? No. More than just a delay? No.

They were not allowed to get off. Are you reading this thread?

The airlines had no way to get them off, due to decisions they made and conditions beyond their control. Aren't you?
Amen to that. Especially if you watch the national news coverage of this story. Why is it that they always only show the baby-faced newlywed couple whose honeymoon was ruined, just ruined, by that evil airline?

They never show the poor schmoe who was being drug to his mother-in-laws house for an in-law reunion that he knew would resemble an episode of Springer? (And you KNOW these guys were in the airport) "Gee, not only don't I have to spend the week with that old shrew, but I get a free ticket to boot? Sweet!" You never see that.

Or the business guy who wasn't ready for that presentation he was flying to. "Please God, just give me one more day to prepare". He never makes it on air either.

It's like Catherines woman after the tsunami whose lost luggage was "devastating". It just makes better copy. And the news folks know it. And exploit it. It sells.

You do not see the flight London -Chicago that was diverted to Toronto (for safety reasons) the plane was unloaded in a hurry on the tarmac and to bus's were we sat for an hour with no air and not enough seats for every one. Then to the terminal under armed guard and LOCKED in a departure lounge again under armed guard, for 14 hours. There were not enough seats in there, no food, or water unless you wanted to drink from the tap in the four toilets. Food was brought in after 4-5 hours, stale sandwiches and warm coke. Blankets were brought in... in a box but not enough for everyone. The box's were dropped in the middle of the floor and a free for all ensued while the staff stood at the door watching.
You do not see the flight London -Chicago that was diverted to Toronto (for safety reasons) the plane was unloaded in a hurry on the tarmac and to bus's were we sat for an hour with no air and not enough seats for every one. Then to the terminal under armed guard and LOCKED in a departure lounge again under armed guard, for 14 hours. There were not enough seats in there, no food, or water unless you wanted to drink from the tap in the four toilets. Food was brought in after 4-5 hours, stale sandwiches and warm coke. Blankets were brought in... in a box but not enough for everyone. The box's were dropped in the middle of the floor and a free for all ensued while the staff stood at the door watching.

Sorry for your inconvenience. But your story has contradictions...

You say there was no air? There was. Or just not the ideal temperature for you?

You say there was no water? There was water, you just didn't approve of it. The tap water was unsafe? Or just not your ideal brand of bottled water?

You say there was no food? There was water, you just didn't approve of it.

There were blankets too, but it sounds as if you just didn't get one.

It was unfortunate, and I hope you were compensated for it, I know I would have been. But, it was a delay for safety reasons. They could not have forseen the circumstances that brought you to a forced landing in a foreign country. Or prepared a lavish feast and accomodations for you. Sounds like they did what they could and people accepted it.

You were (and still are) bothered by the incident, rightfully so. But, you weren't injured. Just delayed and inconvenienced. It's these types of reactions to incidents that fuel the hysteria over air travel. Lost luggage is "devastating". Sitting in an airplane for hours is "cruel and unusual". I don't get it.

No laws need passed.
pilot fish:
If you do not want to discuss the topic of this thread, or do not understand it, take this silly "humor" to a different thread, please.:shakehead
PiFi, I will tell you this once, and once only, nobody died, and nobody made you king. :dramaqueen:
If you insist on insulting me fine, but guess what? I know you don't get it, everybody else does though. :mooner:
Amen to that. Especially if you watch the national news coverage of this story. Why is it that they always only show the baby-faced newlywed couple whose honeymoon was ruined, just ruined, by that evil airline?

They never show the poor schmoe who was being drug to his mother-in-laws house for an in-law reunion that he knew would resemble an episode of Springer? (And you KNOW these guys were in the airport) "Gee, not only don't I have to spend the week with that old shrew, but I get a free ticket to boot? Sweet!" You never see that.

Or the business guy who wasn't ready for that presentation he was flying to. "Please God, just give me one more day to prepare". He never makes it on air either.

It's like Catherines woman after the tsunami whose lost luggage was "devastating". It just makes better copy. And the news folks know it. And exploit it. It sells.
and maybe they were giving out free booze :D
and maybe they were giving out free booze :D

I know a lot of people who would stay 11 hours anywhere if there were free booze. Hell, even reasonably priced booze.
PiFi, I will tell you this once, and once only, nobody died, and nobody made you king. :dramaqueen:
If you insist on insulting me fine, but guess what? I know you don't get it, everybody else does though. :mooner:

PiFi? OK, dimdave, who made you Queen?:10:
There is a 12 hour regulation already in place, I think this will probably change.
pilot fish:
OHgoDive, we have finally exhausted our exchange. It is abundantly clear you don't get what occured, nor want to, and my patience trying to make it clearer too you is drained. Good luck.

Abundantly? Was there a vote? Oh, you mean abundantly clear to YOU. Sorry.

You are not trying to make the events clearer to me. You are trying to convince me that these people were wantonly abused and need government relief to ensure that this sort of atrocity never happens again. You will need A LOT of patience to convince me (and I suspect an awful lot of others) that this is the appropriate response to this incident.

What you say you are doing, and what you are doing, are two different things.

Sorry you're impatient and drained. Bye.

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